Big Win In Staten Island For ACORN Working Families Party and Peace Action

The radical left took a couple of hits on the chin yesterday, losing two significant governorships in Virgina and New Jersey. Add to this the embarrassing outing of one of their WFP endorsed RINO’s in NY-23, and this was not a banner cycle for the President Obama’s ACORN movement.

The Democratic Socialists and Marxists did score one important win in Staten Island yesterday, with the election of their WFP candidate for City Council, Debi Rose.


This is the same Debi Rose who recently exercised her 5th amendment right to avoid incriminating herself in an ACORN-WFP campaign finance related scandal.

There are two reasons this very local election is important beyond Staten Island.

1) Debi Rose’s campaign manager was a man by the name of David Jones. According to Weather Underground reporter Thomas Good, who runs a website called, David Jones is a member of a group called Peace Action.

Peace Action has a working relationship with CAIR, unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy-Land Foundation trial.

Spend any amount of time on and you will experience the crossroads of Weather Underground style Marxism, antisemitism masked as anti-Israelism, and the Democrat Party, as seen through the lens and mind of a self proclaimed anarchist, Thomas Good.

This group of hard core Socialists, Marxists, Anarchists, and Democrats must be very pleased that they scored this win in Staten Island.

2) Debi’s race may be just for a local seat on a city council, but one only need to look to Detroit to witness the long term effect of Democratic Socialism on a local level.

All you need to do is peruse the archive of the Detroit DSA, and scan for all of the prominent members of the Democrat Party who are also prominent members of the Democratic Socialists of America. Read about their successes in passing their agenda during a period of epidemic indifference to local politics.

From their archive [emphasis in red added]:

Detroit DSA’s goal is to rid the White House of George Bush. On its face, this would seem a preposterous undertaking for such a small local as ours. Yet there are ways in which we can intelligently leverage the resources of our local to have a significant impact on the coming elections. Our strategy is to focus our efforts in carefully selected districts where the activity of a small group such as ours could both increase the anti-Bush turnout and elect a progressive local candidate.

Let’s start with the primary elections. Due to the low voter turnout for these races, primary campaigns are traditionally the elections in which small, well-organized groups can have a disproportionate impact.

Detroit is a dead city, thanks in large part to the successful efforts of the Democratic Socialists of America, and a cynically apathetic body politic.

Which DSA city or state will be next to die on the alter of Socialism? Staten Island? Chicago?

Congratulations Staten Island. That’s some city council you’re building for yourselves there.

Correction: This story has been edited. The title originally read Rhode Island. The correct city is Staten Island.


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