Trump: Romney Should Release Tax Records When Obama Releases College Records

Trump: Romney Should Release Tax Records When Obama Releases College Records

The Donald is back and better than ever. Today, Donald Trump explained that Mitt Romney should release his tax records … but not until Barack Obama releases his college records. “Obama should give his college applications and records – you talk about transparency,” said Trump. “We will learn more about Obama when we look at those college applications than any other thing that can happen.” President Obama has already refused repeatedly to hand over such records, lumping the entire topic in with talk about his birth certificate.

Trump, of course, is eminently correct. Those who call for Romney to release all evidence of his finances should also be calling for Obama to release his college records – a period of his life in which he visited Pakistan, finagled an entre to Columbia University, and began his community organizing career in Chicago. We know nothing about that period. And it’s relevant, because the ideas of our president are relevant.

Last time Trump demanded documents, the White House quickly released Obama’s long form birth certificate. If Trump keeps up the pressure, will the White House cave again?


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