Over 100k Sign White House Petition to Prosecute GOP Senators for Treason, Forcing Obama to Respond

White House Photo / Pete Souza
White House Photo / Pete Souza

Fueled by the media narrative that a number of Republican Senators sending a letter to Iran was an act of treason, a whitehouse.gov petition to that effect has been gathering signatures and easily broke the 100,000 signature barrier that forces a response from the White House.

What remains to be seen is the White House will actually give its far-left base what they want in addressing its political opposition.

In fact, per this ABC report, the petition has now received over 165,000 signatures.

The creator of this petition, known only by the initials C.H., alleges that the 47 senators “committed a treasonous offense when they decided to violate the Logan Act, a 1799 law which forbids unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments.”

The letter, which was published on Monday, warned Iranian leaders that any nuclear deal they sign with President Obama won’t last past his second term.

Jerome Barron, a professor of Constitutional Law at George Washington University, told ABC News in an interview that he finds the senators’ letter “disrespectful,” but he does not believe the senators have committed treason.

As reported earlier, Secretary of State John Kerry discussed the issue in before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee today but shied away from using the word “traitor.”

Earlier, Kerry offered more criticism of the letter written by 47 Republican Senators to Iran, arguing that it was hypocritical for Republicans to write a letter to people “they have criticized other people for even engaging with or writing to” And “to write them [Iranian leaders] and suggest that they’re going to give a constitutional lesson, which by the way, was absolutely incorrect, is quite stunning.


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