Charlie Kirk: Conservative Movement Is Now ‘Corporate-Skeptic, Pro-Worker,’ Thanks to Trump

Matt Perdie / Breitbart News

Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk told Breitbart News editor-in-chief Alex Marlow that the conservative movement is now a “corporate-skeptic” and “pro-worker” movement thanks to President Donald Trump — and that it’s not going away.

“The conservative movement, thanks to Trump, is now a corporate-skeptic movement, a pro-worker movement, a free speech movement, a strict immigration movement,” said Kirk. “I don’t know where the kind of corporate Republicans have a home anymore.”

“And I think they’re really starting to realize it, legitimately,” he added.

Kirk spoke to Marlow during Turning Point USA’s sixth annual Student Action Summit on Monday.

“Mitt Romney said something super interesting over the weekend — which is that, ‘the Republican Party lost its soul and it’s not coming back any time soon.’ Yes, it lost the soul of your father’s party,” Kirk continued. “Your father’s party was the Wuhan party, where we sent our jobs to Wuhan, that was the Republican Party of Romney and Rockefeller.”

“And Trump comes along in only the way that Trump could, and challenged all of it,” said the TPUSA founder. “It’s actually poetic when you think about it. I don’t think the left will view it that way.”

Kirk continued:

But here’s the optimistic part. We are now in a post institutional age. People are more angry in institutions than ever before, because of the lockdowns, the damage of it, this CIA, the FBI, the foreign wars — now I think you’re going to see honest progressives like Glenn Greenwald and Breitbart all of the sudden agreeing that we should break up tech companies.

I actually think that there’s a lot of broad-based consensus that can now be around ending these endless wars, that can be around challenging corporate America and restoring a normal American way of life, and the corporate Republicans and corporate Democrats are going to realize, they have no infrastructure, except corporate chamber of commerce donors.

The TPUSA founder also pointed out similarities between President Trump and Andrew Breitbart.

“Breitbart really challenged Republican orthodoxy through kind of grass roots, street journalism, gorilla journalism, saying that we’re going to find the stories that no one else is covering, we’re also going to punch back twice as hard,” he said.

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Facebook and Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, on Parler at @alana, and on Instagram.


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