President Joe Biden’s inability to perform the job of president was apparent to those close to him, and Vice President Kamala Harris and others must answer for their role in the cover-up, Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) told Breitbart News.
In an exclusive interview, Scott lambasted the hapless Harris for her role in the conspiracy and explained why voters will reject her regardless of her role in the democracy-subverting scheme to sideline Biden.
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“It sure looks like the party elite decided he couldn’t win,” Scott told Breitbart News after Democrats forced Biden to step aside. “And all they care about is power.”
Scott says Democrats sabotaged a core component of their messaging against Donald Trump by ejecting Biden.
“They don’t care that he actually won the primaries,” he said. “They thought they get to make the decision who would be the nominee. So I think that’s what’s happened here. I mean, they want to go out here and say the Republicans and Trump are a threat to democracy, they really are. And they just did it. They want to pick somebody that can beat Trump, that’s all they care about.”
Scott insists there is plenty of blame to go around for the cover-up of Biden’s diminished capabilities, including his former ticket mate who replaced him as the nominee.
“Everybody that’s still with Biden is to blame because they covered this up,” he said. “This was just a pure cover-up. I mean, Harris covered it up, Jill covered it up, everybody that’s around him at any point in time covered it up. Everybody saw the guy couldn’t do the job.”
The same party powerbrokers who ejected Biden will embrace Kamala and prolong the cover-up, Scott believes.
“They’re going to help her up and act like she knows what she’s doing and like she had no idea what Biden was doing,” he said. “They’re all in on the same thing. They’re all in on open borders, there are all in on massive government spending. They’re all in on a woke military. She’s no different than Biden. They are socialists, it doesn’t work.
Scott suggested Democratic Party powerbrokers care little about the optics behind Harris’s coronation.
“They don’t care around what the optics are,” he said. “Look at the Trump trial in New York. The optics were horrible. I mean it was so biased. So I don’t think they care about the optics. They care about one thing — winning the election.”
Despite the powerbrokers’ coup, voters will reject Harris’s record, Scott said.
“I think the voters care about the fact that here’s a person who’s supposed to be the border czar,” he said. “The border is wide open. She clearly doesn’t have the background to be able to be the president. She doesn’t know anything about finance. She knows nothing about the budget. She spent three and a half years doing nothing but covering up for Joe Biden.”
He added, “I don’t think she has anything to run on. So I assume what she’ll have to do is she’ll just have to run on that she would be the first female president or something like that, because she can’t run on securing the border. She can’t run on caring about the budget. She can’t run on caring about the military or law enforcement because none of those things are true.”
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Scott served with Harris in the Senate before she ascended to the vice presidency and gained insights into her abilities as a politician and public servant.
“She’s not a leader,” Scott insisted. “She’s not somebody that that people want to follow. She’s not a serious person. She’s simply wanted to have the next job. That’s all she was, that was my experience with her. She was ready to pounce on people to go on television because she thought that was good press for her. It was just a show.”
With the veil removed by Biden’s disastrous June 27 debate performance and subsequent decision — albeit forced — to abandon his reelection campaign, Scott says Biden must walk away from the White House as well.
“He has to step down,” Scott declared. “If he can’t run for reelection, how can he sit in the office? He stopped running because they know he doesn’t have the capacity to be the president. I’ve been saying this since back in 2021. When you watch what happened with Afghanistan, he clearly doesn’t have the ability to govern, he doesn’t have the capacity to govern. He ought to step down or they ought to invoke the 25th Amendment.”
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Video Source: Matt Perdie / Breitbart NewsScott believes Democrats will not hesitate to invoke the 25th Amendment if they believe it will help them electorally.
“Whatever they think will help her win they’re gonna push,” he said. “They don’t care about the country. They care about winning.”
Scott attended the Republican National Convention, noting the energy and unity on display stood in stark contrast to the Democrats as they scramble to replace their standard bearer. He believes that momentum will carry through November if Trump and Republicans continue to contrast the Republican agenda with Biden and Harris’s failed record.
“If Trump continues to talk about the issues that are important to the American public — the American public wants a secure border, they want inflation under control, they want a strong lethal military, they don’t want men playing women’s sports — if you look at the issues that people care about, I think he’s gonna have a big win,” he said.
Bradley Jaye is a Capitol Hill Correspondent for Breitbart News. Follow him on X/Twitter at @BradleyAJaye.
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