‘Mentally Ill’ Man Sentenced to Care After Conviction For Killing Five in Bow-and-Arrow Attack
38-year-old Andersen Bråthens defence lawyer said that his client “had delusions with religious and magical content.”

38-year-old Andersen Bråthens defence lawyer said that his client “had delusions with religious and magical content.”
A man charged with killing five people in Norway when he attacked strangers with a bow and arrows plead guilty to murder on Wednesday.
Police have confirmed that the man suspected of having killed five and injured two with a bow and arrow in Kongsberg, Norway, was a convert to Islam who had been flagged by authorities over radicalisation concerns before the attack.
Norwegian police have confirmed that at least five people have died after a man armed with a bow and arrows went on a rampage in Kongsberg, with investigators refusing to rule out a possible terror motive.
A Wisconsin hunter shot a 19-point buck Saturday after tracking the animal for years.