Cliff Sims

Exclusive – Cliff Sims: ‘Really Shocked’ to See the ‘DEI Office’ and ‘Politicization of the Intelligence Community’ in the CIA Building

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) offices should be “abolished” within the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the intelligence community, Cliff Sims, who served as the deputy director of national intelligence under former President Donald Trump, said during an interview on Breitbart News Saturday, adding that he was surprised to see the DEI office in the CIA headquarters and by the “politicization” inside the intelligence community.

(iStock/Getty Images)

Exclusive– Jim Acosta Peddled Slime: ‘Team of Vipers’ Reveals CNN Printed Unsubstantiated Dirt on Sarah Sanders to Settle Ex-Trump Aide’s Score

An excerpt from former West Wing official Cliff Sims’ new book — provided exclusively to Breitbart News ahead of the book’s public release on Monday — shows how CNN’s Jim Acosta peddled unsubstantiated misinformation from a disgruntled ex-Trump campaign aide about White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders as part of the network’s effort to push the Stormy Daniels scandal story.

A February 8, 2018 photo shows CNN chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta before the s

Trump: ‘I Go Out of My Way to Use the Word ‘Christmas”

In an interview with Yellowhammer News editor Cliff Sims that aired on Friday, Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump vowed to take up the fight in the war on Christmas and pledged to use the word “Christmas” whenever possible. “There’s an
