Common Core - Page 4

WikiLeaks: Hillary Clinton Calls Common Core a ‘Political Failure’

WikiLeaks emails revealing remarks from a paid speech Hillary Clinton gave in July of 2014 show the now-Democrat presidential nominee referring to the Common Core standards as simply a “political failure” by a “bipartisan group of governors” who neglected to have a plan for “explaining it and selling it to people.”

Repeal-Common-Core AP PhotoThe Tennessean

Study: Only ‘Those Who Set Directions For Common Core Have Benefited’

Americans were told that the Common Core standards would close the achievement gap between white and minority students and make U.S. students “college and career ready.” Yet, a new study validates what grassroots parent groups have known all along: the federally funded program, which most states lapped up for a quick infusion of federal cash, has bombed.

Stop Common Core - AP Photo

U.S. Students on Track to Learn America Is to Blame for 9/11

As America looks back on the September 11 terrorist attack that changed the nation, the direction of education in the country seems on track to ensure that U.S. students either forget that day entirely or view it as a result of America’s own failure to be open and accepting of other cultures.

Schools With High Numbers Of Migrants