Drug Cartels - Page 3

Report: Foreign Drug Cartels Targeting Legal Marijuana States

Federal officials claim that drug cartels from Mexico, Cuba, and China are taking advantage of lackadaisical enforcement of marijuana growing laws in states with legalized recreational use. These states are becoming “hit-or-miss” in enforcing laws that still prohibit the unregulated production of marijuana.

An investigator tosses marijuana plants outside an illegal grow operation in north Denver

Obama’s Welcome for Migrants Allowed ‘Chemical Warfare’ on Americans

The early theory of the opioid crisis and the “White Death” was that over-reliance on prescription painkillers was a major factor in rising mortality rates. Americans were reporting more pain to doctors than ever before, and receiving more painkiller prescriptions as a result. New research and analysis challenge these assumptions by arguing that the opioid crisis flows largely from drugs like heroin and fentanyl, which exploded just as prescription drug use was beginning to decline, and one of the primary contributing factors was the migrant crisis President Barack Obama unleashed in his second term.

Deadly Fentanyl

Convicted Kidnappers Blame Mistreatment by Cartels, ICE for Their Crimes

Two kidnappers, the sons of Mexican “high rollers” who were themselves kidnapped by the Mexican cartel five years earlier, sequestered the son of a wealthy dancing horses owner in Colorado. During sentencing, the lawyer for one of the brothers speculated they committed the crime because ICE agents had mistreated them. The other brother blamed his criminal behavior on drug abuse and loyalty to his sibling.

AztecaHorse - public domain

Narco-Terror: Mexican Cartel Begins Using IEDs

Mexican intelligence services are sounding the alarm about one of Mexico’s most violent cartels turning to the use of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) as part of their terrorist-style tactics. A leaked report from Mexico’s intelligence service CISEN revealed the ruthless Cartel

Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion

As Afghan Trade Booms, DEA Insists U.S. Heroin Is Mostly Mexican

Only an estimated one percent of the heroin seized by law enforcement in the United States originates from the Southwest Asia region that includes Afghanistan, the top producer of opium and heroin in the world, reports the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in its latest National Drug Threat Assessment.

A firearm and 154 pounds of heroin worth at least $50 million are displayed at a Drug Enfo

GOP Lawmaker: Islamic State Has Established Training Camps in Latin America

The chairman of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, in an interview with Breitbart News after meeting with various government officials in South America last weekend, warns that the nexus between radical Islamic terrorists and criminal groups in Latin America is “growing” and poses a major threat to the United States.

European terror attacks

Newborn Exposure to Drugs Triples in Louisiana

NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana – The number of newborn babies who have been exposed to drugs and alcohol in Louisiana has tripled since 2008, mostly due to the massive rise and popularity of heroin being trafficked into the state through the U.S. southern border.

Babies Drug Dependency

Mexicans Blame President Enrique Peña Nieto for Lasting Cartel Violence, Human Rights Abuses

Raging cartel violence, widespread corruption, human rights abuses and a tanking economy have made Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto one of the most vilified figures in that nation’s recent history.

A recent poll found Pena Nieto’s approval rating at its lowest ever with 80 percent holding a negative view of the president, Mexico’s Animal Politico reported. When the pollsters asked to rate Peña Nieto’s performance on a scale of 0-10, the average score was only 3.9 points. The trend has intensified in recent months with his approval tanking from 30 percent in April to the current low of 23.

AP Photo/Marco Ugarte

Miami Reemerging as Trafficking Hub for Colombian Cocaine

Recent drug seizures and indictments indicate that Miami is back on the map as a trafficking hub for cocaine passing through Caribbean waters. After the fall of the Cali and Medellín drug cartels in Colombia, both the Florida Straits and the streets of south Florida quieted down dramatically.


Prison Gangs with Cartel Ties Hang Corpses in Mexico City

Despite Mexico City’s enormous population and opportunities for criminal organizations, it has remained a relative neutral ground for drug cartels. But that image was shattered when drivers discovered a corpse hanging from a Mexico City bridge—a telltale sign that the capital’s peace may be about to shatter.


Mexican Heroin Continues Its Deadly March Through Midwest

As Breitbart Texas has previously reported, Middle America is awash in deadly heroin coming from south of the border. The Mexican heroin is affecting middle- and upper-class families in unprecedented ways. In a special series for Peoria Public Radio, Camille Phillips takes a look at how this deadly drug has invaded St. Louis, Missouri.


Drug War Horrors—and Complexities—Come to Grisly Life in ‘Sicario’

Make no mistake; the new thriller in theaters called Sicario is no documentary-style production of the drug war in Mexico. It’s a movie like any other, with its exaggerations and stylistic decisions. But what makes Sicario one of the better representations of the reality that is cartel violence on both sides of the border is that it’s accurate enough to be believable—even to those well-versed in the tiniest details of this endless war.

Sicario Movie

Militia Groups Along the Border Continue to Spark Controversy

Groups of gunmen are patrolling the border in an effort to “secure” the land that Washington officials will not. The groups, known as militias, have been around for some time and in recent years the various groups have become more noticeable as the topic of border security becomes more heated. Generally militia groups patrol specific areas of the U.S.-Mexico border in an effort to detain or turn back human smugglers and drug traffickers. Mainstream media outlets generally demonize the groups claiming that they are extremist and racists.

The Associated Press

Border Sheriffs Express Frustration Over Lack of Support from DC

Sierra Vista, Arizona — Sheriffs from across the border and western states have gathered here to present a unified front on the many issues affecting the border-area law enforcement community. The sentiments shared by the many speakers at the conference deal with the apparent lack of support from the federal government on border security issues, a lack of regard for law enforcement in general, and the constant danger presented by Mexican drug cartels.


Ben Carson: America’s Gov’t Turning Blind Eye On Borders

In an interview with Breitbart News Sunday, Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson expanded upon the mainstream media’s misrepresentation of his comments on the border. He castigated the U.S. government for doing so little to protect Americans against a growing number of illegals

ben carson