Earthquake - Page 6

Another Texas Oil City Considering Fracking Ban

It appears that several Texas towns may be following the footsteps of Denton, the gas and oil city that voted to ban fracking in November. Reno, Texas, has taken the first steps to put such a ban in place. Last year the

Another Texas Oil City Considering Fracking Ban

Small Thanksgiving Earthquake Jolts Napa Valley

Napa Valley experienced a slight Turkey Day scare on Thursday at 12:36 p.m., when a 3.1 magnitude earthquake struck the region. The quake hit approximately five miles northeast of Sonoma at a depth of five miles, according to local CBS

Small Thanksgiving Earthquake Jolts Napa Valley

Strong quake in west China kills 5; 54 hurt

BEIJING (AP) — A strong earthquake that hit a sparsely populated, mountainous area of western China killed at least five people and injured 54 others, officials said Sunday. The injured included schoolchildren in a stampede. The U.S. Geological Survey said

Strong quake in west China kills 5; 54 hurt

California National Guard to Deploy for Ebola Mission

The California Army National Guard is among six other National Guard units, totaling approximately 1,200 soldiers, that have been ordered to prepare for deployment to Ebola-stricken West Africa in order to help thwart the spread of the deadly hemorrhagic virus. 

California National Guard to Deploy for Ebola Mission

Romania's New President Vows to Tackle Corruption

Hours after pulling off Romania’s biggest political earthquake since the revolution which overthrew Nicolae Ceausescu, the country’s soft-spoken new president followed through Monday on his vow to tackle corruption. Klaus Iohannis, the ethnic German mayor of the medieval Transylvanian city

Romania's New President Vows to Tackle Corruption

Hammond: Pledge to Protect Foreign Aid 'Bizarre'

Britain’s foreign secretary has dismissed as ‘bizarre’ the Lib Dem plan to enshrine the foreign aid budget in law by passing a bill fixing the amount of money the country gives away abroad at almost one percent of the gross

Hammond: Pledge to Protect Foreign Aid 'Bizarre'

UKIP Run A Close Second To Labour In #HeywoodAndMiddleton

HEYWOOD, United Kingdom – Labour’s Liz McInnes held the seat of Heywood and Middleton in tonight’s by-election, after what is likely to be remembered as yet another remarkable UKIP surge. Nigel Farage’s party went from a poor fifth place in the

UKIP Run A Close Second To Labour In #HeywoodAndMiddleton

Ousted Haitian Dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier Dies

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) — Jean-Claude Duvalier, who presided over what was widely acknowledged as a corrupt and brutal regime as the self-proclaimed “president for life” of Haiti until a popular uprising sent him into a 25-year exile, has died. He

Ousted Haitian Dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier Dies

Peru Begins Search for Survivors after 4.9-M Earthquake

(Reuters) – At least eight people were killed by a 5.1 magnitude earthquake that hit rural southern Peru over the weekend, emergency authorities said on Sunday as the search for victims continued. The quake late Saturday night in Paruro province, in the

Peru Begins Search for Survivors after 4.9-M Earthquake

Swearengin To CA GOP: Unity For Me, But Not For Thee

Last weekend at their state convention, the California GOP rolled out the red carpet for Fresno Mayor Ashley Swearengin, the GOP nominee for State Controller. The opening night’s main event was a dinner banquet profiling the “Women of the GOP”

Swearengin To CA GOP: Unity For Me, But Not For Thee

Napa Earthquake Claims First Victim

Two weeks after Napa Valley recorded the worst earthquake it has experienced in recent history, the 6.0 quake has claimed the life of a 65-year-old woman who died as a result of a brain injury she incurred when she was

Napa Earthquake Claims First Victim

Bosnian Mine Accident: 29 Rescued, 5 Miners Buried

ZENICA, Bosnia-Herzegovina (AP) — One by one, rescue workers pulled 29 miners out of a trouble-plagued coal mine Friday after it had collapsed a day earlier in central Bosnia. Five men remained buried deep underground as officials halted rescue efforts.

Bosnian Mine Accident: 29 Rescued, 5 Miners Buried

US Military Attacks al-Shabab in Somalia

MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — U.S. military forces attacked the extremist al-Shabab network in Somalia Monday, the Pentagon said, and a witness described ground-shaking explosions in a strike that reportedly targeted the group’s leader. Al-Shabab had attacked the upscale Westgate Mall

US Military Attacks al-Shabab in Somalia

Massive China Landslide Destroys Village, Kills Seven

Seven people died and another 20 were left missing after a landslide in southwest China, state media reported Thursday. The landslide engulfed a village near Fuquan city in the province of Guizhou, the Xinhua news agency said. Torrential rain complicated

Massive China Landslide Destroys Village, Kills Seven

Inspector Wants California's Last Nuclear Plant Shut Down

California’s last nuclear power plant could be shut down over concerns about earthquake preparedness. The AP reports that former chief inspector of the Diablo Canyon nuclear power station has written a 42-page report stating that the station may not be

Experts: Napa Quake Could Have Been Far Worse

CBS 2 Los Angeles reports that seismologists say that their early warning systems did alert them that the Napa Valley earthquake was imminent, but the good news was that the quake struck at 3:20 a.m., when most people were asleep. “That

Experts: Napa Quake Could Have Been Far Worse

Napa Earthquake: Small Businesses Lacking Insurance Hit Hard

Napa Valley small business owners who lack earthquake insurance are weighing in on Sunday’s disaster that could cost them major financial hardships in the future. The 6.0-magnitude earthquake that targeted a six-mile stretch of Northern California early Sunday morning is

Napa Earthquake: Small Businesses Lacking Insurance Hit Hard

Napa Aftermath: Gawkers Stunned by Quake Damage

After Sunday’s 6.1 earthquake, 33 buildings in Napa have been red-tagged by building inspectors in Napa, including the county courthouse and the post office, according to CBS Sacramento. “It’s just really sad to see which buildings might come back and

Napa Aftermath: Gawkers Stunned by Quake Damage

Earthquake Storm Warns Big Quake May Soon Hit

Northern California suffered an “Earthquake Storm” on Sunday, as 60 smaller aftershocks rolled through Northern California following the magnitude 6.0 on the Richter Scale earthquake that struck Sunday at 3:20 a.m.  Sunday’s earthquake is the 4th serious quake this year after a

Earthquake Storm Warns Big Quake May Soon Hit

Napa Earthquake Could Raise Wine Prices

The magnitude 6.0 earthquake that struck Napa in the early hours of Sunday morning may not have done much damage, relatively speaking. Yet several wineries reported extensive damage to existing collections of valuable vintages, as well as to winemaking infrastructure

Napa Earthquake Could Raise Wine Prices