George Bush - Page 4

One Percenter Kanye West's Charity Gave $0 To Charity

According to the Daily, Kanye West – the same fellow who suggested that President George W. Bush hated black people because he didn’t do enough about Hurricane Katrina – has a charity that spent $572,383 in 2010 and gave $0 to

One Percenter Kanye West's Charity Gave $0 To Charity

BH Interview: 'His Way' Director Douglas McGrath, Part 1

The documentary feature “His Way” premiered on HBO this past Spring. “His Way” is based on the autobiography “When I Stop Talking, You’ll Know I’m Dead,” which highlights the life and career of the great film producer/concert promoter/manager/philanthropist/entrepreneur Jerry Weintraub

Colin Powell Is Not Smarter Than a Fifth Grade History Student

On Sunday, former Secretary of State under George Bush, and purported Conservative visited with Christiane Amanpour on the Sunday news show This Week. Powell made some interesting comments about America’s founding fathers and compromise. [youtube ceOqKT4NF4c nolink] He decried the

Poll: Only 38% of Independents Think Obama Deserves Reelection

From Investors Business Daily: President Obama faces head winds from independents, an important voting bloc for re-election in 2012. Many of them think well of him personally, but they are disenchanted. They don’t like his policies, and they see him

My 9/11 Awakening

Ten years ago at this exact time I was standing in my pajamas in my living room with tears streaming down my face, my hair a wreck. I was a 21-year-old newlywed and mother. My months-old infant sat in a

Ten Years Later: Remembering 9/11

Ten years ago at this exact time I was standing in my pajamas in my living room with tears streaming down my face, my hair a wreck. I was a 21-year-old newlywed and mother. My months-old infant sat in a

A Beginner's Guide to the Debt Ceiling Debate

The Talmud says: “One should not extravagantly distribute more than one fifth of one’s income to charity.” Are the sages saying there’s a ceiling cap on giving charity? Yes they are, because if everyone were to give too much away

Monday Roundup

Pinch Happened: Republicans should celebrate Abramson’s promotion because if they look closely at it — and at the growing effectiveness of conservative media — they will see two freight trains running toward each other that will collide spectacularly next year

Netroots Nation 2011 Journal

Thursday: Wow, you can really feel the energy here in Minneapolis at Netroots Nation 2011 – the vibe is so much better than at Starbucks where that fascist Mr. Rodriguez keeps oppressing me by insisting that I get to work

Anti-Poverty Crusader Bono's Taxes Too Damn High

It should be no surprise. People who actually want to help others don’t put on tight leather pants and play guitars for screaming women. They usually go into quieter professions like medicine, social work, or ministry. So when a Rockstar

Pravda: Is Obama Anti-Black?

Pravda doesn’t come out an call Obama “anti-black,” but they essentially argue in this editorial that he is unconcerned about the plight of American blacks. It’s interesting that while the foreign left-oriented press regularly took on Republican Presidents like Ronald

Why the Bin Laden Killing May Not Boost Obama

From The National Journal: But one expert on the region is warning against broad predictions today in assessing the impact of bin Laden’s death. “We need to be very cautious… in assuming it will now damage al Qaida and other

Paul Krugman's Absolute Hypocrisy On Libya

Paul Krugman may be a Princeton poster child for Keynesian economics, but I am not sure how being a numbers wonk qualifies this man to comment on U.S. foreign policy that does not involve trade. One cannot deny his academic

Racist Van Jones Rally Cheered 9/11 Attacks

When Obama administration Green jobs czar Anthony “Van” K. Jones resigned late Saturday night, September 5, 2009 over the long Labor Day weekend, a storm of breaking news about his radical anti-American history was being reported by conservative bloggers. One

Is George Bush a Better Leader Than Barack Obama?

As bits of information about what former President George Bush’s wrote in his soon to be released book, “Decision Points” are published, the stark difference between our former President and today’s commander-in-chief becomes incredibly apparent. One is a true leader

Josh Marshall: Prescient, Or Eat Your Words?

Nothing like a little new media joust on a Saturday afternoon in the fall. Josh Marshall on both Obama and Bill Clinton today at TPM: Being president is hard. Being president two years into your first term is hard. And

Charlton Heston Deserves Postage Stamp Honor

When I saw that Charlton Heston’s former publicist, Michael Levine, had started a petition to let “the Citizen Stamp Advisory Commission [know] that Heston deserves to be placed on a postage stamp,” I emailed Big Hollywood’s Editor John Nolte and

Obama Buys Shrimp, Putin Harpoons Whales

So roughly eight years ago, as President Bush was getting ready to golf, reporters peppered him with questions about suicide bombings in Israel. Holding his driver, the President said, “There are a few killers who want to stop the peace

Danny Glover: Leave That Castroite Murderer Alone!

The whales, the wolves, the rainforests, the Stephen’s Kangaroo Rat–seems Hollywood-ites are always trying to “save” something. Save the Castroite Terrorist-Murderer! has become Danny Glover’s latest cause, though he words it a bit differently. The Cuban convict Gerardo Hernandez, who