gun ban - Page 2

Gun Control: The Only Time Liberals Want to Hear From Crime Victims

Opportunistic politicians such as Hillary Clinton and New Jersey Senator Cory Booker demonstrate shocking ignorance of existing gun laws by calling for “urgently needed” measures that have already been on the books for years. Their few new proposals are either meaningless gestures designed to evoke a sympathetic emotional response from listeners, or full frontal assaults on the U.S. Constitution that have no chance of passing either Congress (which no longer matters to totalitarian liberals) or the Supreme Court (which does.)

Gun Control Rally

Delaware Judge Disarms Bailiffs After Gun Prank

On February 18, Delaware Superior Court President Judge Jan Jurden ordered that bailiffs in coutrooms statewide be disarmed because of a prank in which chief bailiff Delbert Garrison allegedly pulled his service gun and pointed it at a deputy attorney general at Sussex County Courthouse.

REUTERS/Jim Urquhart