Henry Waxman - Page 3

Media Companies Made Millions From BP Oil Spill

Newspapers and television stations reaped a financial windfall from the BP oil spill — and continue to benefit as the company spends millions on advertising to repair its battered image following the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history. BP spent

The Benefits of Friendly Oil

One of the promises every president since Richard Nixon has failed to deliver on is the recurring pledge to somehow free the nation from its ever-growing “dependence on foreign oil.” Until fairly recently, the need to find other ways to

Obama's Newest Goal: Expand the Nanny State

Here we go again. Harry Reid intends to force a vote at 5pm on Monday in a desperate attempt to push yet another bloated bill that will do more harm than good. This time, the Democrats seem to have zeroed

Goldman Sachs and Financial Regulation Reform

It’s time for your weekly dose of Coffee and Markets, featuring The New Ledger’s Francis Cianfrocca, a podcast brought to you by the fine folks at Andrew Breitbart’s BigGovernment.com and LibertyPundits.com, your home for conservative podcasts. In this week’s edition,

Henry Waxman and the New American Way

One of the dirty little secrets of Capitol Hill is that most politicians – even the ones the horserace-focused media depicts as irredeemably ideologically divided – actually have no coherent driving ideology. The secret is revealed only occasionally. If powerful

Waxman Plans Industry Show Trials

Democrats understand that passage of Obama’s healthcare “reforms” will probably hurt them in November, so they’re doing everything they can to dampen the anger directed at them and turn it against someone – anyone – else. Anger-dampening was built into

CEOs Called by Waxman to Back Up Health-Bill Costs

Business Week: Representative Henry Waxman called the chief executive officers of AT&T Inc., Verizon Communications Inc., Caterpillar Inc. and Deere & Co. to provide evidence to support costs the companies plan to book related to the new health-care law.

Max Blumenthal, Equal-Opportunity Hater

It’s quite a stretch to call The Nation‘s Max Blumenthal a journalist. A real journalist is free to have an opinion and even to express it, but he doesn’t fabricate things to make his subject look bad. A real journalist

New Year Pessimism

To the common definition of pessimist – one who anticipates the worst — I plead guilty. Yes, I know that it is the start of a New Year and I ought to be looking forward to the new decade with

Politics California Style: Nancy Pelosi and Henry Waxman

The success of the Chicago-style politics of Dick Durbin, Rahm Emmanuel and Barack Obama, characterized by brass knuckles, intense bullying, finger pointing and public attacks has been mesmerizing. Meanwhile, very little attention has been focused on the California-style politics of

Burt's Eye View: Henry Waxman Responds

A while ago, I wrote a piece titled “Blowing the Whistle on Waxman.” In case you missed it, I explained that Henry Waxman and I had been friends beginning almost 50 years ago at UCLA. I also said that we

Henry Waxman AWOL on NEA and ACORN

I am running for Congress for the seat currently held by Henry Waxman and the events of the past week give me the opportunity to highlight the differences in ideas and actions between Congressman Waxman and Myself. So, what would

Henry Waxman Votes Against Defunding ACORN

Henry Waxman, who for most of his years in Congress has fancied himself a crusader against corruption in government, voted against a House bill that cut all federal funds to the embattled group ACORN. ACORN has been involved in a

A Funny Thing Happened On My Way To a Town Hall Meeting

Imagine the glee I felt when I heard that my wonderfully approachable (yeah, right) Congressman, Henry Waxman, was making a rare visit on August 21st to the district he represents. He wants to hear from us, his loyal constituents, at

A Thief in the Night: Veterans' Land Grab

[youtube L8Rh3FY0_0E nolink] Did you ever have an encounter with a thief? If not, how many times have you read or heard about their sudden attacks in newspapers or TV and thought or gasped, “I hope that never happens to

A Health Care Plan on Life Support

By this time, I’m sure we’ve all heard more than we care to about Professor Henry Gates. Still, I can’t let it go without tossing in my two cents. Admitting he didn’t know the facts of the case didn’t prevent

Hollywood Deserves Better Than Henry Waxman

My Name is Ari David Many of you have read my blogs. I have been a producer, writer and stand up comedian in LA for about 10 years. I am now taking on a new project by running for Congress

Obama's Jedi Mind Trick: We've Been Put on Notice

That’s right. Obama’s putting everyone on notice. Dare not oppose him and bet not against him. Enough of the chatter. I keep waiting for the liberal cynics to step up and be, oh, I don’t know…CYNICAL about this guy, but

Henry Waxman and the Sexualization of our Children

Dear Rep. Waxman, My congratulations on your reelection to the 11th Congress of the United States and promotion to Chairman of the Committee on Energy and Commerce. As a national leader charged with overseeing the improvement of the quality of

Wash Times: 'The kids are all right'

This week’s Washington Times’ column: As the Republican blame game and political infighting rages with no end in sight, here’s an unorthodox fast-track plan for a full-scale GOP recovery in 2010. The future of the Grand Old Party needs to