Jeh Johnson - Page 3

Surge Continues: 34,463 Illegals Apprehended at the Border in June

The total of 34,463 apprehensions in June — an indicator of attempted illegal entries — exceeded the 29,388 apprehensions exactly a year ago in June 2015. The number of “family units” or adults traveling with minors as well as unaccompanied minors were also at elevated levels last month.

Immigrants walk handcuffed after illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border and being caugh

Amnesty Blocked by a Tied Supreme Court, But Next President Will Decide Whether to Restart It

WASHINGTON, D.C.—President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty program for illegal aliens went down in flames Thursday when the U.S. Supreme Court deadlocked 4-4 on the case, leaving in place the lower court’s decision striking down Obama’s program. But a Hillary Clinton victory in November would mean that amnesty would return—and be upheld by a new Supreme Court.

Supreme-Court AP2

Refugees Crucial to ‘Global City,’ Says Dallas Democrat Mayor

Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings said he believes welcoming refugees is crucial to Dallas becoming a “global city” during a recent summit on the city’s economy, its workforce, and its future. The Democratic mayor made the statement after being asked about “hosting refugees” and “bringing people inside” as “one of the building blocks of a revitalized town.”

Mike Rawlings

Uptick In Illegals Apprehended at Southern Border Last Month

There was an increase in the number of illegals apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border last month, however the number of apprehended unaccompanied minors and “family units” remained stable compared to the month of January, according to the Department of Homeland Security.

U.S. Border Patrol agents lead undocumented immigrants after capturing them near the U.S.-

My Son Was Killed by an Illegal Alien Because Oligarchs… Donors Want Cheap Labor

Before Kate Steinle, there was Spencer Golvach, and after both of them, there have been too many more. One year ago this week, Spencer Golvach was randomly shot in the head while he was sitting in his truck waiting for the traffic light to change. He was randomly executed by an illegal alien who had previously been deported multiple times for committing crimes but was back in Texas engaging in a killing spree.


Texas Leaders Call on Feds to Stop Border Security Cuts

Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott and Democrat U.S. Representative Henry Cuellar joined forces in a bi-partisan effort to stop President Obama’s administration from cutting border security resources along the U.S./Mexico border.

A Border Patrol agent points out an area of possible illegal activity to a National Guard

Republicans Push to Require Social Media Check on Prospective Immigrants

Widespread outrage greeted Department of Homeland Security director Jeh Johnson’s revelation that immigration officials have been secretly barred from looking at the social media posts of prospective immigrants, due to political correctness and fears that such investigations would result in “bad public relations.”

Fake News