Jim McDermott

Rep. McDermott: Jesus 'Didn't Charge Food Stamps'

Rep. Jim McDermott (D-Wash.) said on MSNBC’s “PoliticsNation” Wednesday that when Jesus fed five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fish, “he didn’t charge food stamps.” “When Jesus had those five loaves and two fishes, he didn’t charge food

Rep. McDermott: Jesus 'Didn't Charge Food Stamps'

McDermott: GOP Planning 'Impeachment Circus'

Rep. Jim McDermott (D-Wash.) “It’s like a magician who snaps his fingers in one place so you won’t see what he’s doing with his other hand, They are basically trying to keep the president from doing anything on jobs or

McDermott: GOP Planning 'Impeachment Circus'

IRS Scandals Jeopardize Funding for Obamacare Implementation

The IRS’s spending scandals, in which officials spent millions of taxpayer dollars on lavish conferences from 2010-2012 and forgot to properly record the expenses, may jeopardize funding for the implementation of Obamacare.  President Barack Obama has sought a 14% increase

IRS Scandals Jeopardize Funding for Obamacare Implementation

Congressman: Pro-Life Group's IRS Story Not Necessarily Credible

Congressman Jim McDermott (D-WA) criticized six witnesses who were targeted for their conservative political beliefs by the IRS at a House Ways and Means Committee hearing on Tuesday. McDermott called the Committee’s IRS investigation “political theater,” saying, “The mistake here

Congressman: Pro-Life Group's IRS Story Not Necessarily Credible

IRS Scandal: McDermott Blames the Victims

Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) offered a bizarre defense of the IRS’s behavior at a House Ways and Means hearing on Tuesday morning, amounting to an attack on the Tea Party and conservative organizations present as potential money-launderers seeking a tax

Sec. of State Kerry Keeps Israel on Back Burner

As John Kerry prepares for his first trip to the Middle East as Secretary of State, his stops include Turkey, Egypt, and several other Middle Eastern countries. He will also visit a number of European countries. Kerry will not visit

Sec. of State Kerry Keeps Israel on Back Burner

Have Democrats Forgotten the Election Already?

From Stuart Rothenburg in Roll Call: On one level, it’s entirely reasonable for liberal Democrats to oppose the [tax cut extension] compromise. Those Democrats have different priorities and values than Republicans, and many of them represent very liberal constituents who