Operation Cross Check

Military Will Not Be a Deportation Force, DHS Tells Mexico

Department of Homeland Security John Kelly said the U.S. military would not be used in America’s efforts to deport criminal aliens. He also stated there would be no mass deportations. His comments came during a press conference in Mexico City where he and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson met with their counterparts.

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, center, smiles as Mexico's Foreign Relations S

DHS Authorizes Hiring 10K Immigration Officers

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary John F. Kelly authorized the hiring of an additional 10,000 Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents and enforcement officers. The move by DHS delivers on a promise made by President Donald Trump to increase enforcement–particularly in removing criminal aliens inside the borders of the U.S.

ICE Officers Apprehend Mexican Fugitive Immigration and Customs Enforcement

FAKE NEWS: Media Lying to Public on ICE Arrests

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials are continuing to defend themselves against the national media which continues to mischaracterize the role and intent of the round-up of criminal aliens.


ICE Rounds Up 44 Criminal Aliens in Texas Capital

Enforcement actions underway in Texas as part of the nationwide Operation Cross Check have landed 44 criminal aliens in federal detention this week. While the ICE spokesperson would not confirm or deny the operation, U.S. Representative Joaquin Castro confirmed the arrests underway in Austin and throughout South and Central Texas are part of Operation Crosscheck.

A man is detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), agents early on October 14

Over 2,000 Criminal Illegal Aliens Arrested in Nationwide Bust

Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced the arrest of 2,059 convicted criminals, all criminal aliens, during a nationwide operation. “Operation Cross Check” was led by the ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) group. 1,000 of the captured criminal aliens were targeted because they had felony convictions. Those range from voluntary manslaughter, child pornography, robbery, kidnapping and rape. Fifty-eight of those captured were known gang members, while eighty-nine were convicted sex offenders.

ICE Raid