MSNBC’s Glaude: There Is a Rot at the Heart of Policing — ‘It’s Not Just Simply Bad Apples, It’s Systemic’
MSNBC contributor Eddie Glaude said Tuesday on “Craig Melvin Reports” that there was “a rot at the heart of policing in this country.”

MSNBC contributor Eddie Glaude said Tuesday on “Craig Melvin Reports” that there was “a rot at the heart of policing in this country.”
No one knows for sure whether anyone will take a knee inside the Super Bowl on Sunday. However, it’s now clear that many will in fact kneel in protest, outside the stadium.
Russian-backed Facebook accounts reportedly worked with U.S. activists to stage protests on both sides of fiery issues.
A Washington Post opinion piece claims the NRA hurts itself via its unwavering support for police and other law enforcement officials.
A police officer who was badly wounded in the ambush and execution of three Baton Rouge officers on July 17, 2016, filed a lawsuit against Black Lives Matter (BLM) and five of its leaders on Friday. The officer urges that BLM and its leaders “not only, incited the violence against police in retaliation for the death of black men shot by police, but also did nothing to dissuade the ongoing violence and injury to police.”
Travor Noah shared his thoughts on racial profiling in America and said he believes police training in the U.S. creates “state racism” during Tuesday night’s episode of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show.
Monday on ESPN’s “First Take,” co-host Stephen A. Smith reacted to Colin Kaepernick comparing cops to slave catchers after Minnesota police officer named Jeronimo Yanez was found not guilty in the shooting death of Philando Castile. Smith said Kaepernick is “justified”
The Minnesota police officer on trial for murder in the shooting death of a black motorist testified the subject had his hand on a gun. A Facebook video live streamed by the victim’s girlfriend in the car immediately after the man was shot went viral.
Rapper T.I. has released a politically charged song titled “War Zone,” that’s chock-full of Black Lives Matter-inspired themes and racial rhetoric.
In the wake of recent police shootings in Dallas and Baton Rouge, rapper and actor Ice Cube says he will continue to perform his song “F*ck the Police” at concerts.
In the wake of the recent ambushes on law enforcement, including the murder of three Baton Rouge police officers on Sunday, hip-hop star says killing police officers is not going to solve the real problems facing black Americans.
The convergence of anti-Trump protesters, Black Lives Matters groups and leftists, has raised questions about safety at the Republican National Convention. The execution of officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge, Black Lives Matter protests after police shootings, and Islamic terrorist attacks in Orlando and France, has only heightened concerns.
Advancing his efforts to build bonds between community and law enforcement, California rapper The Game convened a secret meeting this week attended by more than 100 black celebrities, activists and the mayor of Compton, Aja Brown.
In its worst moments — such as the one we are enduring now — Black Lives Matter has inspired violence, terrorized police, driven up crime, and divided Americans. Still, the experience has produced three basic lessons — and raised one lingering question.
California Attorney General Kamala Harris told CNN’s Jake Tapper on Wednesday that Philando Castile, who was shot and killed by police in Minnesota last week, would have been alive if he were white.
This year’s “ESPY Awards” on ABC opened with NBA stars Carmelo Anthony, Chris Paul, Dwyane Wade and LeBron James delivering a message regarding last week’s death of two African-Americans at the hands of law enforcement, and the Dallas attack on
Singers Beyoncé and Pink, comedians Chris Rock and Kevin Hart and actresses Queen Latifah and Rosario Dawson, in collaboration with Alicia Keys and her social justice nonprofit We Are Here, all came together to produce a three-minute PSA entitled, “23 Ways You Could Be Killed If You Are Black In America.”
HOUSTON, Texas — One year ago today, Sandra Bland died in a small county jail cell just 25 miles northwest of Houston. The deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, the recent Black Lives Matter protests, and the execution of five officers in Dallas, have made the anniversary date even more concerning.
Veteran of the 1960s civil rights movement and former Mayor of Atlanta, Andrew Young, offered some blunt advice to a room full of fatigued Atlanta police officers, saying, “Don’t let anybody get you upset.”
On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “O’Reilly Factor,” presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump stated that it’s “not necessarily wrong” to argue that the justice system treats African-Americans differently, it “could be” that police act differently around African-Americans,
Former Miss Alabama Kalyn Chapman James called the man who shot and killed five Dallas police officers during a Black Lives Matter protest in Dallas on Thursday a “martyr” in a live Facebook broadcast.
Rapper The Game and his oldest son have raised over $53,000 on behalf of Little Rock, Arkansas police officer Tommy Norman, a white officer known for spending quality time with children within the predominantly black communities he serves.
A black police officer made a Facebook post that has gone viral following the recent Black Lives Matter protests across the country in reaction to the police shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile.
A video of country music star Coffey Anderson re-enacting and offering safety tips for drivers involved in traffic stops went viral over the weekend after two black men were killed by police, spurring Black Lives Matter protests across the country.
The Minnesota police officer who shot and killed a black man after a traffic stop had nothing to do with race, the presence of a gun did, says the lawyer for the officer involved in the shooting.
New Black Panthers and BlackLivesMatter activists protesting the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile were arrested and weapons were confiscated Saturday evening in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Reality TV star Kim Kardashian posted a pro-Black Lives Matter letter on her website Friday about how she does not want to have to warn her son to “watch his back” or be “scared of police,” after five police officers were shot and killed and seven more wounded at a Black Lives Matter protest in Dallas, Texas.
Long Beach, California-based rapper Snoop Dogg held a press conference Friday with Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck outside the Los Angeles Police Department’s headquarters, where the Grammy-nominated artist said, “We are here to show love and support to the Los Angeles Police Department.”
During a speech in Warsaw, Poland on Saturday, President Obama argued that America is not as divided as some may say it is and “Americans of all races and all backgrounds” are outraged by both “the inexcusable attacks on police,”
During his speech in Warsaw, Poland on Saturday, President Obama declared, “[I]f you care about the safety of our police officers, then you can’t set aside the gun issue” and that guns are a “contributing factor to the broader tensions
On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks argued that in the discussions after the shooting of police officers in Dallas, and the shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, “it doesn’t help that we have an American political debate with
During Saturday’s Weekly Address, Vice President Joe Biden stated, “It’s on all of us to stand up, to speak out about disparities in our criminal justice system—just as it’s on all of us to stand up for the police who
In the wake of the horrific murders of the five police officers shot and killed at a Black Lives Matter protest in Dallas Thursday night, it is worth examining one of the anti-police movement’s most affluent and influential supporters: pop superstar Beyoncé.
On July 8 the NRA announced it will comment on the shooting death of Philando Castile once the investigation into the incident has ended.
Don Lemon, host of CNN Tonight, went on an emotional rant Thursday about how being a black man in the U.S. compels him to be unnecessarily polite to police officers he comes in contact with because he wants to “stay alive.”
During a Friday press conference, Attorney General Loretta Lynch expressed condolences over the July 7 attack on Dallas police officers and suggested it is time to re-examine “the ease with which wrong-doers can get their hands on deadly weapons.”
Rapper Young Buck released a violent anthem Thursday calling for riots and the murder of police officers as five officers were shot and killed at a Black Lives Matter protest in Dallas, Texas late Thursday night.
Jay-Z released his first new music in three years late Thursday night with the anti-police brutality anthem “Spiritual,” just after the shooting deaths of five police officers in Dallas, Texas Thursday night and the police-involved shooting deaths of two African-American men earlier in the week.
On July 7, The Atlantic looked at officer-involved shootings that took the lives of two armed black men, Alton Sterling (Baton Rouge) and Philando Castile (Minneapolis).
Pop queen Beyoncé penned an open letter Thursday in response to the police-involved shooting deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile this week, begging law enforcement officer to “stop killing” black people.