transgender bathrooms - Page 3

More Top Execs Fired at Financially Troubled Target Corp.

Over the last few months, retail giant Target Corp. has been desperately cutting costs and canceling long-planned growth programs to regain profitability. As part of its scrambling to finally get into the black, the chain has also been firing top executives, and last week yet another top officer’s scalp was taken.


Transgender Texas Boy Gets New Birth Certificate

Born Mary Grace, a nine-year-old North Texas child is now officially named Max. His parents petitioned a court to change all of his legal documents, including his name, birth certificate, and Social Security card to reflect his male name and identity.

Consular Report of Birth Abroad

NCAA Set to Pick Title Sites, Could Leave North Carolina Out

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — The NCAA will start deciding on locations for its upcoming championships next week and has indicated it will leave North Carolina out of that process if the state hasn’t changed a law that limits LGBT rights by that time.

AP Photo

Celebs ‘Love’ Texas But Hate ‘Bathroom Bill’

Lady Gaga, Lena Dunham, George Takei, Gloria Steinem, and Whoopi Goldberg were among the 100-plus outspoken entertainers and personalities to send a Valentine’s Day card to Texas leaders, saying they love the Lone Star State and its people, but not the proposed “bathroom bill.”

Lena Dunham Naked Cake ABC

‘Sermon Safeguard’ Bill Pre-filed to Protect Religious Liberty of Texas Clergy

Two Texas state senators have pre-filed a bill which is intended to protect the religious liberty and First Amendment freedoms of clergy in the Lone Star State. Pastors have been under attack in Texas and their sermons sought to be compelled during litigation by a government unit. The pastors were in a fight over a transgender bathroom ordinance at the time they were subpoened.

Parker Claims Pastors Lied

Biz Group Claims Trans Bathroom Ban Bad for Texas

The Texas Association of Business has released a study that claims a transgender bathroom bills will be devastating for the local economy. They urge Texas lawmakers not to enact any “discriminatory” legislation. A Texas senator called the claim “wild speculation.”
