Yale - Page 4

40% of Americans Say Global Warming Can Cause Human Extinction, Even if Hottest Period Was Before Man Existed

Four in 10 Americans — or 39 percent — think the odds for human extinction because of climate change or global warming are 50 percent or more. But the majority of Americans, or 58 percent, think the odds of human extinction because of climate change is less than 50 percent, revealing that climate change is not a topic of universal agreement in the United States.

A demonstrator dressed as a polar bear joins others gather infront of the White House in W

Oh The Humanity: Yale Closes Its Climate & Energy Institute

Yale University is to close its Climate & Energy Institute. With sweet serendipity, the heartbreaking announcement on the university’s website coincides with the news that the institute’s founding head Rajendra Pachauri has been formally charged with sexual harrassment. How different

Yale (Facebook)

Trigger Warning: Pablum Puking Pajama Boys Should Shut the Bleep Up

I am so fed up with all this BS. Who do you pajama boys and womyn’s studies majors and queer-theory professors think you’re kidding? It was a bad joke back in 1969 when some fool wrote a book called “The Student As Nigger,” and it’s even more preposterous now when a bunch of Ivy League pukes in New Haven have the gall to describe themselves as “marginalized students.” Shut the bleep up.

Daniel Brenner/The Columbia Daily Tribune via AP

‘Become a Football Star, It’s Your Only Chance’

In 1941, when Jack Kerouac boarded a bus for New Haven, the Columbia running back never stopped at the Yale Bowl. Shamed for arriving at training camp a day late and subsequently botching Columbia Coach Lou Little’s misdirection plays, Kerouac quit football in early fall. “As if I joined football for ‘deception,’ for God’s sake,” Kerouac wrote.

Jack Kerouac