Father Frank Pavone Notes Large Youth Involvement in Right to Life Movement

Anti-abortion activists take part in a protest outside of a Planned Parenthood center cons
Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images

National Director of Priests for Life Father Frank Pavone was on Breitbart News Daily with host Stephen K. Bannon to discuss today’s March for Life and defense of the unborn.

Noting that today’s March for Life event in Washington is made up of approximately 80 percent young people, said Pavone: “We have to understand that there’s a dynamic here, that they are standing up for themselves in the sense that they realize they’re survivors. When they were in the womb they were not protected and they realize that very deeply.”

Pavone went on to point out that many of them had lost siblings to abortion. “Some of them will be holding signs  as part of our ‘Silent No more’ campaign, that say, ‘I mourn my aborted sibling’.”

The rest of the interview can be heard below.


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