Police Officer Working to Deport Illegals Threatened at Home by Muslim Extremists

Michele Tantussi/Getty Images

A pair of Islamic extremists confronted a police officer in the German region of North Rhine-Westphalia in front of his apartment to intimidate him because he is involved in deportations.

The unnamed officer is said to be a member of the Federal German police force which is responsible for border security in the country. The two men, described as belonging to the radical Islamic scene, threatened the officer who was forced to flee to his home where his dog confronted the men, barked and caused them to flee, Focus reports.

While the incident occurred on January 26th, the information was only recently released to the public. Officials say the two men approached in a Mercedes-Benz S-class vehicle, were wearing long beards and traditional conservative Islamic clothing.

Two days before the threats, the officer had been involved with the deportation of 19 failed Afghan asylum seekers who were returned to Kabul.

The report is the first instance known of Islamic radicals attempting to threaten and harass police officers involved in the deportation process but not the first time Islamic radicals have clashed with German police.

Last year in Hamburg, two officers were attacked by Muslims who had been praying in the street. The officers attempted to perform a routine identification check on the groups of five men but were set upon by them. The Muslims later alleged that they had been “provoked” by the officers.

Some have also expressed fears of Islamic radicals within the police force itself. In Berlin, a leaked recording from the Berlin police academy revealed a teacher expressing the opinion that Muslims were an “enemy” in the ranks. The instructor warned that the Muslim officers would become “second-class police officers who will only be corrupt.”

 Follow Chris Tomlinson on Twitter at @TomlinsonCJ or email at ctomlinson(at)breitbart.com 


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