
Delingpole: No, Lying BBC, Britain’s Weather Isn’t Getting Wilder

“Britain’s weather is getting wilder,” claimed the BBC on a Panorama documentary this week. This is actually untrue, but the BBC knows it can get away with blatant lies about climate change these days. Partly, this is because the sensible people who might object stopped watching the BBC long ago. And partly because there is no one left in the mainstream media left to criticise it.


Delingpole: Has Tommy Robinson Exposed the BBC’s Dangerous, Far-Left Bias?

Did you see that shocking BBC Panorama documentary about the bullying, Soros-funded, far-left, anti-freedom of speech propaganda group currently touring British schools with the Government’s approval, turning kids into brainwashed progressives who believe that “Islamophobia” is a bigger threat than radical Islam? No. And you never will.

Tommy Robinson mic