Dana Loesch

Dana Loesch - Page 4

Articles by Dana Loesch

Salon's Joan Walsh Compares Drudge Report To KKK

Joan Walsh recently penned a stuffy, condescending screed comparing the Drudge Report to the KKK’s Stormfront website. I’m not sure as to your personal limitation where it concerns contradiction, but as for me, I find this hard to take seriously,

Salon's Joan Walsh Compares Drudge Report To KKK

Media Ignores Obama Tax Confusion

The current top headline on Memeorandum is “Romney’s Tax Confusion.” This morning on CNN I spoke with Don Lemon about the Romney camp’s earlier remark on the tax/mandate battle and Romney’s reported “confusion.” Why doesn’t anyone want to ask about

Media Ignores Obama Tax Confusion

Independence Day: Are You Ready for November?

I’ve always loved the somewhat facetious image above, but this Independence Day I’m reminded of the true sacrifice behind it. This image of Washington and his Revolutionary army crossing the Delaware under the cloak of night during Christmas is inspiring. His

Independence Day: Are You Ready for November?

Democrat's Mistaken Vote on Fracking Overrides Veto

State Democrat Rep. Becky Carney (NC) explains she was confused when she voted to override the Governor’s veto on fracking. A North Carolina state representative says she voted mistakenly to override the governor’s veto of a bill to allow the

Democrat's Mistaken Vote on Fracking Overrides Veto

Heavily Democrat Hamptons: Too Many Immigrants Here

One-percenters in the Hamptons, a predominately Democrat area in both citizenry and representation, are furious over an influx of immigrants they claim are tainting their area. Some residents are angry enough to start a campaign to stop the relocation of

Heavily Democrat Hamptons: Too Many Immigrants Here

Call Holder! Obama Demands ID for Rally Entrances

At a recent Obama rally in Ohio, prospective attendees were told to brandish their photo IDs if they expected admittance to the rally. No word yet on whether Attorney General Eric Holder plans to file suit against the Obama campaign

Call Holder! Obama Demands ID for Rally Entrances

While Elizabeth Warren Exploited Indians, Indigenous Students Failed

While Elizabeth Warren exploited Cherokee for special consideration at Harvard, real indigenous students suffered. At no time, evidently, did this “first woman of color at Harvard” do anything to help the appalling academic disparity between indigenous American students and those

While Elizabeth Warren Exploited Indians, Indigenous Students Failed

New Media Spurs Fast and Furious Contempt Vote

Were it not for a multitude of “just bloggers”–the new media vanguard like our own Mary Chastain, the Daily Caller’s Matthew Boyle, Townhall’s Katie Pavlich, J. Christian Adams, and the new-media user Sharyl Attkisson at CBS–most households wouldn’t be learning

New Media Spurs Fast and Furious Contempt Vote

Grassroots Gears Up For Supreme Court's Obamacare Ruling

Tea party groups across the country are gearing up for the Supreme Court’s Obamacare ruling, expected within the next week. Along with them, Republicans are readying their response to fit a number of possible scenarios. After massive push-back this spring

Grassroots Gears Up For Supreme Court's Obamacare Ruling

Democrats Reduce Women to Vaginas with Latest Stunt

Days after Democrat Lisa Brown attempted to shock the Michigan legislature by lecturing the House Speaker on the floor about her genitals, Democrats launched their “Say Vagina” campaign. (It was quickly hijacked.) Brown became emotional during an abortion debate over

Democrats Reduce Women to Vaginas with Latest Stunt

Andrea Mitchell Smears Romney with Deceptive Edit

MSNBC continued its tradition of leaning so far forward that its corporate head became lodged in its corporate backside today with a story on Mitt Romney and Wawas. Andrea Mitchell attempted to use a deceptively edited clip to persuade her

Andrea Mitchell Smears Romney with Deceptive Edit

Netroots Call Cherokee Advocate Sorock, Not Exploiter Warren, Racist

During this week’s Netroots Nation conference, Anne Sorock of Legal Insurrection asked a defender of the embattled Elizabeth Warren about the Senate candidate’s self-described American Indian status and was promptly called a racist by the left. In keeping with Democrats’

Netroots Call Cherokee Advocate Sorock, Not Exploiter Warren, Racist

Will Tea Party and RNC Unite In November Like They Did In WI?

Tuesday’s victory marked the first time in the general election season that the tea party movement and the RNC united behind a singular effort. The past few years have seen a contentious relationship between the pair, punctuated by periods of

Will Tea Party and RNC Unite In November Like They Did In WI?

WI Recall a Tea Party Victory

Networks are calling the historic Wisconsin recall for Governor Scott Walker and Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch while final vote counts continue to roll in. This victory marks the third time the far left and Big Labor has been defeated at

WI Recall a Tea Party Victory

Report: 119% Voter Turnout in Madison, WI

A Madison City Clerk has told a Wisconsin radio host that turnout for the area is expected at over 100%, up to 119%. What makes it all the more interesting is that this story comes from a far-left site. Heavy turnout

Report: 119% Voter Turnout in Madison, WI

Obama Sends Last-Minute Pro-Barrett Tweet

President Obama won’t dare go to Wisconsin himself to campaign for Barrett as the move is deemed too risky for the fragile incumbent, so a last-minute Tweet of support will have to suffice: Instead the administration dispatched Bill Clinton, Jesse

Obama Sends Last-Minute Pro-Barrett Tweet

Did A WI Group With Democrat Party Ties Violate Election Law?

Via Media Trackers: A Racine area organization with ties to both the Democratic Party and a Chicago-based community-organizing group may have violated Wisconsin election law late last week. Two churches that are part of the liberal-leaning Racine Interfaith Coalition hosted

Did A WI Group With Democrat Party Ties Violate Election Law?

DOJ to Monitor Wisconsin Recall Election

Eric Holder’s Department of Justice will monitor a number of Wisconsin polling places on Tuesday. The state Department of Justice will dispatch a team of assistant attorneys general and special agents from the Division of Criminal Investigation to Appleton as

DOJ to Monitor Wisconsin Recall Election

Reformists Hold Final Wisconsin Rally Before Historic Recall Election

I’ve said it before: the recall election June 5th in Wisconsin is the most important state election this year, second only to the presidential election. Why? Because Governor Scott Walker leads the first generation of reform governors. Together with his

Reformists Hold Final Wisconsin Rally Before Historic Recall Election

War on Women? Democrats Shoot Down Sex-Selective Abortion Ban

After much weeping and gnashing of teeth over the VAWA (which was contested due to the numerous poorly-written add-ons from the Schumer crowd), you’d think that Democrats would be quick to support PRENDA, the Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act, which aims to

War on Women? Democrats Shoot Down Sex-Selective Abortion Ban

Kleefisch Money Bomb Raises over $53k

The money bomb launched yesterday for Wisconsin’s embattled Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch yielded an impressive five figures. Kleefisch’s campaign received 1,035 donations with $53,706.51 as the grand total. The money will go towards ad buys to defend the successful Lieutenant Governor from out-of-state labor

Kleefisch Money Bomb Raises over $53k

Rally for Rebecca: An SOS for Wisconsin's Lieutenant Governor

Wisconsin’s recall elections are but days away, and most of the coverage has surrounded Scott Walker’s gubernatorial battle. It’s an important battle, one of the most important elections of 2012. There’s another battle raging, however–that of his second-in-command, his Lieutenant

Rally for Rebecca: An SOS for Wisconsin's Lieutenant Governor

Tom Barrett Campaigns with Anti-Speech Feingold

Labor’s gubernatorial challenger to Scott Walker, Tom Barrett, has resorted to campaigning with notorious anti-speech Democrat Russ Feingold. It was former senator Feingold who, along with John McCain, criminalized speech for a class of Americans in their campaign finance witch

Tom Barrett Campaigns with Anti-Speech Feingold

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Calls Wisconsin "Test Run" For November

This morning on “State of the Union,” DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz stated that Wisconsin’s June 5th recall election is a “test run” for November. Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz on Sunday classified Democratic efforts in the Wisconsin

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Calls Wisconsin "Test Run" For November

Census: 49% of US Lives in Households Receiving Gov't Benefits

According to US Census Bureau data, 49.1% of the US population lives in a household where at least one member is receiving government benefits: The 49.1% of the population in a household that gets benefits is up from 30% in

Census: 49% of US Lives in Households Receiving Gov't Benefits

The Conservative Blogosphere Introduces Kimberlin 2012

The conservative blogosphere today launched a version of the Kony 2012 tactic, introducing readers to a man named Brett Kimberlin and his fellow far-leftists. The movement was sparked by several incidents, most recently the reported intimidation of Aaron Worthing and

The Conservative Blogosphere Introduces Kimberlin 2012

Happy Weinerversary: The Lessons of WeinerGate

A year ago I was up late packing for Puerto Rico, having given notice that I’d be offline for seven days’ vacation. My phone rang. It was The Boss, the late Andrew Breitbart. When he called, you answered, and a

Happy Weinerversary: The Lessons of WeinerGate

Walker Challenger Barrett Touts False Crime Stats

Tom Barrett isn’t just Wisconsin’s worst jobs mayor, he’s apparently the worst on crimes, as well. So bad, in fact, that he’s resorted to campaigning on what seem to be cooked crime statistics. In his February 2012 State of the City

Walker Challenger Barrett Touts False Crime Stats

Wisconsin's Recall Movement Sputters

Time Magazine recently wrote on the sputtering and splintering “recall Walker” labor movement in Wisconsin but left out the reason why the recall movement has lost steam: you can’t protest success that saved teacher jobs. … the campaign to recall

Wisconsin's Recall Movement Sputters

SC Democrat Senate Leader Slurs Nikki Haley

Progressives are once again slurring South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley. This incident comes by way of Phil Bailey, Political Director of the South Carolina Senate Democratic Caucus, via Twitter. Oh yes, he wrote it not once, but twice: When confronted

SC Democrat Senate Leader Slurs Nikki Haley

Exclusive: SBA Slams Conformity of Progressive Women In New Ad

I’ve wondered lately how the policies of a man can be used to measure a woman’s devotion to her own sex. I’ve also wondered how the ideology that preaches about choice can be so vehemently anti-choice when it comes to

Exclusive: SBA Slams Conformity of Progressive Women In New Ad

Obama: All Women Care About Is Fashion and Beauty

Yesterday President Obama gave what I call a “car salesman cup holder speech” to the all-female graduating class at Barnard College.  “You can be powerful and stylish, too” said Obama. “That’s what Michelle would say.” Oh THANK HEAVENS. Whew! I don’t

Obama: All Women Care About Is Fashion and Beauty

Chris Matthews To Black Bishop: 'I Hope You Evolve'

Newsbusters caught Chris Matthews telling Bishop Harry Jackson “I hope you evolve” while talking gay marriage. He then giggled and said disingenuously, “I’m just teasing.”  I asked earlier when the left was going to turn on the black community for questioning

Chris Matthews To Black Bishop: 'I Hope You Evolve'

Look How Well That Rush Boycott Worked

Media Matters’ boycott of Rush Limbaugh worked so well that today the radio personality was inducted into the Hall of Famous Missourians.  … Rush Limbaugh — or rather, a bronze bust of the conservative radio host — will be inducted

Look How Well That Rush Boycott Worked