David Webb

David Webb - Page 5

Articles by David Webb

It’s 4/20 and many want to legalize drugs – Here are some numbers

Based on United States population of 307 million in 2011… The United States has 4% of the worlds population and consumes 65% of the worlds hard drugs. Estimated 50% of crime in the United States is tied to drugs Marijuana 16.7 million users Cocaine 1.6

Do the crimes of a few belong to the whole community?

In response to Melissa Harris-Perry Wants Us to Spend More Educating ‘Our’ Children: The crimes of a few can certainly affect a whole community. Melissa Harris Perry and progressives state collective responsibility but never take collective accountability. Responsibility are words

The chromedome principle

In response to LOSE LOSE: Baldness linked to heart disease: Brings up the thought that those of us who shave the dome may be practicing a form of chromedome Russian roulette. Ahh, the follicle of it all.

Bush was sexy to some women – Solutions are sexier

In response to Yes, President Bush Was A Sexy Symbol To Some: I lived in Texas and lots of women found GW Bush sexy. Sadly there’s a hint of truth in the sexy, emotional approach because our culture watches Snookie,

The leftist agenda and power have no allies

In response to Obama’s Easter Sermon Replaces Faith With Filth : Respectfully disagree Jerome. The Rev. Leon’s of the world do know the facts as does Ben Jealous and Barack Obama. Their agenda is based on ideology and power. This is one

Food Stamps and the entitlement ‘Bitter Pill’ (Video)

Lowering the bar to participate in these programs is a big part of the problem. Obama did this reversing course on Clinton’s welfare reforms. Many states including Republican-controlled states went along with this. Italicized paragraphs as reported in the Wall

A123 battery maker failed at taxpayer expense to become B456

A123 Systems Inc. took $249,000,000.00 of taxpayer money in a Department of Energy green loan, went bankrupt, was sold to the Chinese Wanxiang Group. There’s no joke, just sick humor that they changed their name as required by the bankruptcy

For Democrats, Hispanic is the new Black

Birth rates of Hispanic origin vs. Black lays out the political plays and ploys for future votes. U.S. Census Bureau – Table 79. Live Births, Birth Rates, and Fertility Rates by Hispanic Origin: 2000 to 2008 If you don’t believe me

Calling for a 7-day moratorium on political correctness

I caught part of Airplane one of my favorite movies yesterday. I laughed so hard the sore muscles from my workout hurt. Airplane could not have been made today.  I am calling for a 7-day moratorium on PC speech starting

Term limit counter-counter-arguments

In response to Term limit counter-arguments: Here are my answers below. 1. The people should be allowed to vote for whoever they want to vote for, but term limits artificially restrict their choices. The problem we have with legacy politicians

'CPAC 2013: A Rogue Gallery of Media Matters Lies' – #War Round 1

Media Matters is a dishonest organization. They write headlines and do not support their assertions in the story. Time to take them on in their own words following their CPAC 2013 assault on the truth article – CPAC 2013: A Rogue’s Gallery

'CPAC 2013: A Rogue Gallery of Media Matters Lies' – #War Round 1

Running out the clock with Obama / Satan BS

In response to Just a Coincidence but I Do See a Resemblance: Are people on the right freaking kidding me? You’re wasting Twitter time, Facebook time, cyber time of any kind on a moronic story about Obama resembling Satan. He’s

Do Catholics now truly have a Pope of the people?

Other Popes in modern times have been hidden behind the Pope-mobile and immense security. It was and still is necessary at times in a world of unknowns. I pray Pope Francis I can change this and be among the people as

Do Catholics now truly have a Pope of the people?

Arizona has the correct idea on 'racialization'

In response to Coming soon to the University of Colorado: the “White Privilege Conference”: There’s sanity in the universe, just not enough of it. Federal judge: Arizona can ban classes promoting ‘racial resentment against ‘whites’  A federal appeals judge has

Arizona has the correct idea on 'racialization'

"(white) privilege" a socialist vision of equal outcome

I have warned Americans for two decades plus about a reverse racism that has now become institutionalized and here is the evidence for all to see.  This is the true goal of the Americorps – VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America)

"(white) privilege" a socialist vision of equal outcome

It's all about the 6 show record

In response to Jeb does the ‘Full Ginsburg + 1’: Doesn’t matter if you’re pro or con a Jeb Bush run at the presidency. In spite of Jeb Bush’s credentials America on the national stage will not elect a legacy

Detroit: No Overnight Solution, Not An Overnight Problem

Charles Hurt’s review of Detroit: An American Autopsy strikes a chord with me; and not because I have a connection to Detroit, but because I’m marrying into a Detroit family. Here is my fiancee’s take on the ailing city. I

Peaceful Muslims torch dozens of Christian homes in Pakistan

The headline you’ll never see: “Peaceful Christians torch dozens of Muslim homes in Patterson NJ” Blasphemy against the prophet Mohammed is a serious crime in Pakistan that can carry the death penalty. However, proof of blasphemy is rarely required.  AP

Peaceful Muslims torch dozens of Christian homes in Pakistan

An Interesting Follow-up in the "Women In Tech" Battle

Yesterday I posted an article about Marissa Mayer’s “War on Women” concerning her decisions as the new CEO at Yahoo! and how they could possibly affect women with careers in tech industries. Seems like someone is reading my mind. From

Eric Bolling makes Barack Obama an offer he can't refuse

Former baseball player, host of The Five on Fox News and an American I’m proud to call friend has stepped up to the plate. Eric today on The Five offered  to cover the $74,000 cost it would take to keep the

This is not "Life of Pi"

Dianna Hanson, a 24 year old intern was killed by her “favorite lion” at the Cat Haven sanctuary in California. As reported, she entered the 4 year old lion named Cous Cous’s cage alone and with one other person in the

The Fight for Women in Tech

The New York Times recently reported that only 30% of new post-recession jobs have gone to women. There are many theories as to why the recovery (using the term loosely) has been so disproportionate for one gender over another. Historically,

I (We) are the "blacks" that can fix the black community

We are the 50 year olds–plus or minus a few years–who must rise above our upbringing (if your early life was a negative one.) We’re the generation that made a choice not to live in the affirmative action “black halls”

There's a Financial Crisis in Detroit? No, Really? We Didn't Notice.

Well, here we go, people. From The Washington Post/AP: DETROIT — Michigan’s governor said Friday that unless Detroit’s fortunes suddenly and miraculously improve, he will appoint an emergency manager to take control of the city that was once one of

Politics and prostitution for $10,000,000

It’s not a game show category. The worlds oldest and the worlds second oldest professions copulated in Charlotte, NC for $10,000,000 dollars. When I arrived in Charlotte NC for the DNC convention last year I crossed paths with 2 prostitutes

Politics and prostitution for $10,000,000

The real sequester battle begins on K Street Monday

In response to Video: Obama Promises to Veto Attempts to Remove “Painful” Sequester Cuts: As lobbyists converge on Washington DC this week the real sequester battle begins. Stand on the 1500 block of K Street NW and watch the parade

The real sequester battle begins on K Street Monday

The leftist race and hate pimps are at it again (video)

Calling the Breitbart army. When the institutional left raises its ugly head, the call of duty must be answered. They don’t like it when we take them head on. Andrew inspired many to fight and sell freedom. Time to act. 

The leftist race and hate pimps are at it again (video)

I miss @AndrewBreitbart, his late night texts and tweets

What I wouldn’t give for one of them now. Andrew frequently forgot that time zones existed. Andrew wasn’t just gregarious, he was obvious. We broke stories, we broke bread, I think we broke one of my studio mics and we probably broke a

I miss @AndrewBreitbart, his late night texts and tweets

Be the Renaissance Man

In response to You, too, can be Breitbart. Ask my wife.: Right on Joel. While reading Machiavelli’s The Prince in high school Western Civilizations class my teacher Mr. DeLorenzo challenged me. He dared me to be deliberately curious about multiple facets of any

Economic Fallout, and the Rise of Chinese "Ghost Towns"

The bloated and seemingly unstoppable Chinese economy is not immune to downturn, after all. Phoenix Island, the man-made utopia erected on the southern coast of Hainan province, is mostly comprised of deserted high-rises and empty poolside areas. The ramping-up of

Pope Benedict XVI retires with humility

  I respect and in fact praise Pope Benedict for thinking of the institution he loves and retiring so someone more vigorous can take the helm of the Catholic Church. It is a unselfish act of a world leader in