Ken Blackwell

Articles by Ken Blackwell

Blackwell: Black History as American History

Today, Americans of all stripes are constantly bombarded with an insidious propaganda campaign against our shared history. From Critical Race Theory to ripping down historical statues, our national story is being rewritten as irredeemably sinful. These efforts have taken a particularly racialized characteristic by implying that Black history is somehow distinct from, or in opposition to, “American history” itself, rather than an integral part of it.

Martin Luther King

Blackwell: Politico Rejects Candid Grade of Joe Biden’s First Year

Politico reached out to me for a conservative perspective on Joe Biden’s first year in office, but when I hit their favored president too hard, they proved yet again that the establishment media continue to cover for this failed president as shills for Democrats and the far left.

WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 06: President Joe Biden speaks to the media as he departs with Vi

Blackwell: America Must Reject COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

The American people must never lose sight of what makes our country great as we march toward victory in our ongoing efforts to defeat the COVID-19 pandemic. We must defeat this enemy while being true to our highest values, upholding the religious liberty and civil rights of our fellow citizens by rejecting vaccine mandates.

Demonstrators gathered outside the Massachusetts State House in Boston to protest Covid-19

Blackwell and Roman: In God We Trust. Government — Not So Much

Those who relish the unyielding power of the state over the individual have had a good year. Lockdowns by tyrannical governors and state and local bureaucrats, along with expansive authority seized out of thin air by the CDC and other arms of the federal government, have made America almost unrecognizable as a bastion of freedom.

The U.S Capitol Building is prepared for the inaugural ceremonies for President-elect Joe

BLACKWELL: Republicans Will Own Inflation from Infrastructure Trap

Seventeen Senate Republicans seem determined to save President Joe Biden from his disastrous policies by backing Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) infrastructure bill, reducing the GOP’s ability to go after the inflation caused by Democrats’ runaway spending when it hits everyday Americans’ weekly budgets, as it is sure to do.

President Joe Biden speaks outside the White House with a bipartisan group of senators aft

Blackwell: Supreme Court Turned the Tide in Election Integrity War

Election integrity recently won a pivotal battle against an attempt by Democrats to hijack the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA) for partisan reasons. They failed when the Supreme Court in Brnovich v. DNC laid a foundation to restore Americans’ confidence in their elections so that everywhere in this nation it can be easy to vote, but hard to cheat.

Chris Helps, of Earlham, Iowa, fills out his ballot during early voting, Tuesday, Oct. 20,

Blackwell: Democrats Pull Hat Trick With Dishonest Voting Rights Bill

Democrats are pushing another federal takeover of elections with the so-called John Lewis Voting Right Advancement Act. This one is a power grab forcing states to get permission from the Democrat-controlled federal government before implementing election integrity measures like voter ID and other constitutional safeguards.

Former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell speaks at the National Rifle Association conv

Blackwell–Beyond Election Integrity: American Exceptionalism in Crosshairs of Radical Left

Democrats’ Corrupt Politicians Act pending in the Senate is a frontal assault on our Constitution’s federalist recipe for freedom which has served our nation well for centuries, putting Congress in complete control of its own elections. The American people must oppose the Radical Left’s hostile takeover of our right to vote, and with it the death of American Exceptionalism.

Brooks - First Amendment and US Constitution text with legal gavel

Blackwell: Corrupt Politicians Act Destroys Right to Election Integrity Like Voter ID

Democrats’ push for the S. 1 / H.R. 1 Corrupt Politicians Act claims to be advancing voting rights, but ignores the foundational truth that every voter has the right to his legal vote not be canceled by someone else’s fraud, which is why the bill’s eradication of voter ID – an election integrity measure with strong bipartisan support – show this as a cynical power grab that principled senators must reject.


Blackwell: Defeat H.R. 1 Now, Deal with Supreme Court Disappointments Later

Elections have been center-stage for two weeks, starting with the Supreme Court’s abdicating its duty to resolve serious problems with our elections, to former President Donald Trump’s CPAC speech, to the House’s passing H.R. 1 on a party-line vote. Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett disappointed the nation, but Republicans must unite to stop the illegal problems of 2020 from permanently becoming legal, which will happen if H.R. 1 passes the Senate.

WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 15: The statue Authority of Law by sculptor James Earle Fraser stand

Blackwell: What It Means that Leahy—Not Roberts, Not Harris—Will Run Trump’s Senate Trial

The fact that Democrat Sen. Pat Leahy – not Chief Justice John Roberts or Vice President Kamala Harris – will preside over former President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial should draw bipartisan condemnation as an assault on the very same democracy and U.S. Constitution that Democrats claim to be vindicating through that trial – and that Democrats know they’re headed to a political setback.

The Associated Press

Abortion Poll: Trump-Pence Mainstream, Clinton-Kaine Extreme

Although Hillary Clinton and the beleaguered Democratic National Committee (DNC) are attempting to paint Donald Trump and Mike Pence as out of step with the country on abortion, recent polling shows that a majority of Americans actually agree with Trump-Pence on this hot-button issue, while Clinton is pushing an abortion agenda that almost 80 percent of Americans oppose.

Dan Fleuette

Antonin Scalia’s Wisdom on Faith and American Success

At the funeral of Justice Antonin Scalia, his son Paul, giving the homily, cited his father’s belief that the success of America arose from the blessing of God — a blessing experienced in part because of faith’s role in the life of this nation.

Justice Antonin Scalia

Susan Rice: Fool Us Twice? She Needs to Go!

It’s an old American saying: “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!” President Obama’s National Security Adviser went on another Sunday show last weekend. She proceeded to tell the nation and the world that the

Susan Rice: Fool Us Twice? She Needs to Go!

Why Dems Are Willing to Flout the Law in Texas 2014 Election

National Democrats and liberal activists are taking enormous legal and political risks with the lawless activities in Texas caught on the Project Veritas tapes. But they see Texas as such a strategic prize that they believe it’s worth that risk,

Why Dems Are Willing to Flout the Law in Texas 2014 Election

Obama Uses IRS to Eliminate His Enemies

“The power to tax involves the power to destroy,” the Supreme Court wrote in 1819, shortly after America began.  Now in 2013, President Barack Obama is launching a frightening attack on free speech, using one of the most feared agencies

Obama Uses IRS to Eliminate His Enemies

Defending the Religious Liberty of Those Who Defend Us

If you go to the D-Day Memorial in Bedford, Virginia, you will see a moving tableau, a series of statues of the brave young Americans who stormed ashore on June 6, 1944 to liberate a continent from the grip of

Defending the Religious Liberty of Those Who Defend Us

Mr. President: 'Talk turkey' to Egypt

Dear Mr. President: Recent events in Egypt show the failure of your administration’s policies toward this largest of Arab countries. You helped in the overthrow of dictator Hosni Mubarak. Very well. Americans should shed no tears for Mubarak’s departure. He stayed in

Mr. President: 'Talk turkey' to Egypt

Take a Risk for Peace: Move our Embassy to Jerusalem

Safely re-elected last November, President Obama waited barely a month (December 4, 2012) before suspending once again the provisions of the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995. That law required the United States to recognize Jerusalem as the permanent and undivided

Take a Risk for Peace: Move our Embassy to Jerusalem

Opinion: American Carriers Victim of Government Cronyism

America is only four months into the second term of Barack Obama. Regrettably, one of our most important industries is suffering from a pair of grossly obtuse government agencies which have banded together to aid a foreign state-owned company at

Opinion: American Carriers Victim of Government Cronyism