Lori Ziganto

Articles by Lori Ziganto

NPR'S Nina Totenberg Scolds Hecklers For Making Spectacle Of Weiner

NPR’s Nina Totenberg joins the ranks of feminists who are prostituting themselves – excuse me, sex worker-ing themselves – for Weiner. On Friday’s Inside Washington, Totenberg had the utter gall to spew the following drivel: NINA TOTENBERG, NPR: I finally

Salon's Joan Walsh: Predictable and Racist Buffoon

Joan Walsh is nothing if not predictable and super tiring. Oh yeah, and totally racist. Her true racist colors showed once again in her latest article at Salon. The article was meant to attack Newt Gingrich for a statement he

WaPo's Ezra Klein Supports Killing Black Babies

Don’t Worry, It’s Not Racist. He Just Wants Black Children To Die To Save Money. What’s wrong with you, bitter clingers? Don’t you realize that a dead child is a cheap child? I mean, all dead babies cost is the

Media Matters Definition of 'Misinformation': Icky Old Opinions

Evidently, the newspeak definition of ‘misinformation’ is actually ‘opinions with which I don’t agree’. According to Media Matters for America that is, as The Right Sphere points out. They use an example given in Howard Kurtz’s article “Partisan Organizations Use

Live Action: Planned Parenthood Mammogram Lies Exposed

The left and their friends in the media have been frantically pushing the spin regarding Planned Parenthood and the recent move, via the Pence Amendment, to stop providing them with federal funding (from we, the taxpayers). Screeching things like “If

CNN's Crowley Learns That Secretary Rumsfeld Is Also A Myth Buster

The Discovery Channel would do well to hire Secretary Rumsfeld for a very special episode of “Mythbusters,” as Candy Crowley of CNN recently learned the hard way. Secretary Rumsfeld is busting tail to promote his book, Known and Unknown, A

MTV's Teen Abortion Sales Pitch: It's Just 'A Ball of Cells'

In July of this year, leftist Feminists were openly, and proudly, rooting for an abortion to be portrayed on prime-time television. And in April of this year, leftist Feminists like Jessica Valenti of Feministing were grossly bemoaning the fact that

MTV's Teen Abortion Sales Pitch: It's Just "A Ball of Cells"

In July of this year, leftist Feminists were openly, and proudly, rooting for an abortion to be portrayed on prime-time television. And in April of this year, leftist Feminists like Jessica Valenti of Feministing were grossly bemoaning the fact that

Pro-Aborts Demand Privacy Unless Bragging About Abortions on Twitter

Pro-abortionists love to give lip service to the “right” to privacy, especially when it concerns fancy wombs. Except for when they wish to take to Twitter and boast about their abortions publicly, apparently. This week, they did just that using

Jerry Brown Not A Fan of Women. Or, You Know, The Truth

Earlier this month, the National Organization For Women (N.O.W.) endorsed Jerry Brown for Governor of CA a mere 24 hours after an audio tape surfaced wherein Jerry Brown was heard agreeing with an aide that Meg Whitman should be called

For Democrats, Math Is Hard. So Is The Truth.

The two latest examples of Democrat ineptitude, incompetence and total math fail come to us from none other than Nancy Pelosi (the best speaker of the house EVAH) and Joe “doll hair” Biden. First up is Nancy Pelosi with both

Media Pushes NOW Is the 'Voice of Women' Lie

N.O.W., the National Organization of Whores, leaped into the lead for the title of most epically hypocritical organization this week. Whoops, silly me! I mean National Organization for Women. But, as ExJon of Exurban League pointed out to me, they