Franklin Graham Calls on Americans to ‘Wake Up’ to Evil of Abortion

Franklin Graham

Prominent evangelical pastor Franklin Graham has come out swinging after Ohio abortion forces erected a series of billboards praising the practice, calling on Americans to “wake up” to the evil of abortion.

The largest abortion clinic in Ohio, called “Preterm,” has embarked on a crusade to sway public opinion toward a greater acceptance of abortion. The group posted 16 billboards around the Greater Cleveland area emblazoned with messages like “Abortion Is Life-Saving,” “Abortion Is Safer Than Childbirth,” “Abortion Is Sacred,” and “Abortion Is a Blessing.”

In a series of posts on social media, Rev. Graham, the son of famed evangelical leader Billy Graham, has blasted the campaign, decrying the pro-abortion slogans as “lies” and inviting Americans not to lose their sense of right and wrong.

Citing the biblical prophet Isaiah, Graham wrote: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil,” and saying that the Ohio abortion business is doing just that by pretending that killing an unborn baby is somehow “life-saving” and “sacred.”

“Here’s a billboard for them—‘Abortion is evil, because it’s murder,’” Graham tweeted.

“Pray that America will wake up to the tragedy of children being killed through abortion every day in this nation,” he added.

With its billboard campaign, Preterm says it aims to “shift the public conversation on abortion away from the black-and-white political rhetoric.”

On its website announcing the campaign, Preterm writes that abortion “is a normal and necessary part of people’s lives” as well as being “foundational to a just society where we can live life on our own terms.”

The pro-abortion campaign follows hard on the heels of the passage of a new Ohio law prohibiting the selective killing of babies with Down syndrome through abortion.

In late December, Ohio Gov. John Kasich signed the “Down Syndrome Non-Discrimination Act” into law to protect children with Down syndrome from becoming victims of abortion because of their condition.

“While every unborn child deserves protection from abortion death, House Bill 214 is helpful in protecting those targeted for destruction due to cultural bigotry against babies identified before birth as ‘abnormal’ or ‘imperfect’ due to a Down Syndrome prediction,” Cincinnati Right to Life said in a statement.

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