Trump: Hillary Clinton Will Be Under Investigation for Years

Friday in Atkinson, NH, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton would be “under investigation for years.”

Trump said, “Hillary Clinton lied to congress under oath when she said she turned over all her work-related emails an that she didn’t send classified information on her illegal server. Meaning she may now face major problems for perjury. How can Hillary manage this country, when she can’t even manage her emails? Did you ever see — hey, folks, let’s forget all of the stuff, what a mess. What a mess. All she had to do was follow the rules and assume people are watching or listening, who cares right?”

“What a mess and for what?” he continued. “Now we’re going to have her running the country for four years? What, honestly what a terrible, terrible mess. Over what? Over nothing. Over what should have been nothing. All she had to do was follow the rules. Unbelievable. And now she is going to run the country. She will be under investigation for years. She will be with trials. Our country, we have to get back to work, right.”

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