Dem Rep. Rush: Lawsuit Challenging IL Gov. Pritzker’s Lockdown ‘Insane,’ ‘Inane’

Monday on MSNBC, Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL) discussed the Trump administration supporting Republican State Rep. Darren Bailey’s lawsuit challenging Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s (D-IL) stay-at-home order.

Host Katy Tur said, “I want to get your reaction to the DOJ’s lawsuit, and here’s what they say in a statement, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. ‘The governor of Illinois has over the past two months sought to rely on authority under the Illinois emergency management agency to impose sweeping limitations on nearly all aspects of life for citizens of Illinois, Significantly impairing in some instances their ability to maintain their economic livelihoods.’ What’s your response to that?”

Rush said, “I think that that suit is insane. Not only insane, but it’s an inane suit. The governor of Illinois has done an outstanding job in terms of trying to keep Illinois safe, keep us healthy, keep this disease contained. We’re all uncomfortable, but at least we’re alive, some of us.”

He added, “I think the governor has done an outstanding job leading this state to put us in a position where we can contain this dreaded disease. So I applaud the governor. I stand behind him. I’ll certainly advocate for the measures that he’s taking. It’s inconvenient. What is inconvenient when you’re talking about lives? Particularly for our senior citizens, for those who are poor, those who are sitting on the sideline. The governor is doing a fantastic job. A very courageous job. I absolutely, beyond a shadow of a doubt, stand shoulder to shoulder with him, no matter what arises from the suit. What misguided people — whatever actions they may take.”

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