Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said the Republican lawmaker’s “disarray” and delays on the next coronavirus stimulus package is “causing suffering for America’s families.”
Pelosi said, “Well, we’ve been anxious to negotiate for two months and ten days when we put forth our proposal that does three things., honors our heroes by supporting state and local government with the healthcare workers’ food suppliers, teacher, teachers, teachers, transportation workers. Secondly, it opens up the economy by having testing, treatment and distancing to end this virus. Third, to put money in the pocket of the American people, unemployment benefits direct pavements, et cetera. These are things that Republicans voted for in previous COVID packages. So it was nothing new it was more because more is needed.”
She continued, “For them to come now when we’re right on the brink and people are hungry in our country, millions of children are food insecure, many families never thought they’d go to a food bank are going to food banks, and we need more money for food stamps and emergency and nutrition programs, and they’re resisting that. And again, that they would now be trying to — they’re in disarray, and that delay is causing suffering for America’s families. We’ve been ready for two months, ten days. I’ve been here all weekend hoping they have something to give us their promise this week, it didn’t come. Now they’re saying Monday.”
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