McEnany: ‘The Debt Is a Big Second Term Priority’ for Trump

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany on Wednesday revealed the nation’s debt will be a “big second term priority” for President Donald Trump.
Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom” host Sandra Smith asked McEnany about the report that the United States faces a record $3 trillion budget deficit in the wake of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

“What is the president’s plan, as the economy does rebound, to take this on? Obviously, it was needed with the coronavirus pandemic, and that is why we are looking at this right now, but something obviously has to be done about this as we do slowly see the economy recover. What is the president’s plan?” Smith asked.

McEnany touted the economy under Trump prior to the pandemic, adding the president intends to focus on seeing “unprecedented growth” in his second term.

“I spoke with the president about this just before coming and joining you, and he said absolutely the debt is a big second-term priority of his,” McEnany told Smith. “He wants to see unprecedented growth and we’ll see that on President Trump’s watch. He had the hottest economy in modern history once. He cut taxes for middle-class and hard-working Americans.”

She continued, “We believe unprecedented growth will go a long way in solving the problem, but it is certainly a second term priority.”

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