Biden Surrogate, Dem Rep.: Biden Listened to Dems Who Opposed Israel Aid Bill, Has Taken ‘Same Position’ as Them

On Thursday’s broadcast of WBUR’s “Here and Now,” Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA), who is also a surrogate for the Biden campaign, stated that President Joe Biden has now “basically taken the exact same position” as the Democrats who voted against Israel aid and listened to those members of Congress by threatening to withhold sending certain weapons to Israel if they invade population centers in Rafah. But he doesn’t think that the move is political.

Khanna said, “I’m pleased that he has basically taken the exact same position that 37 Democrats who voted no on the offensive weapons aid in the Israel bill have. He realizes that Netanyahu is risking the lives of American hostages, risking the lives of the hostages of Israeli families, and that he is making the region more unsafe.”

Later, Khanna added, “I think the President did what he believes, out of conviction. Now, did he listen to those of us in Congress who have been saying this and voted against the offensive aid? I believe he did. But I don’t think that this decision is a political decision. I think it is a human decision. It is a decision about saving lives.”

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