Gingrich: Trump a ‘Mythical Figure,’ Almost Like Beowulf

Monday, during an appearance on FNC’s “Hannity,” former House Speaker Newt Gingrich likened President-elect Donald Trump to Beowulf, given all of the efforts, including impeachment and assassination, to thwart his rise over the past nine years.

“Isn’t it really rooted in this that there is a fear—a healthy fear, a healthy respect for Donald Trump, that he’s strong and tough, and that without even taking the oath of office, he almost single-handedly—his election has reestablished America as the world’s leader?” host Sean Hannity asked.

“Look, if you’re a relatively sophisticated leader around the world, and you watch nine years of the rise of Donald Trump, and you watch two impeachments, and you watch all of these efforts to catch him in the law, and you watch two assassination attempts, and the guy just keeps coming,” Gingrich replied. “I said the other day, this is a mythic figure almost like the various Scandinavian Beowulf’s and other kind of sagas. I mean, you can’t — there’s no practical way that you can explain Trump within a normal political structure. He now represents clearly something like a according to the latest Rasmussen poll, 55% of the American people believe that he has in fact got a clear mandate, only 32% don’t agree.”

“So, I mean, he’s beginning to build almost a 2-1 margin that this is the leader of the American nation, and if you’re the rest of the world and you’re really — people forget we are an enormous country, 345 million people, we are the third-largest country geographically in the world,” he added. “We have enormous power, clearly still, despite every screw-up at the Pentagon. We are the most powerful nation in the world, and this is the guy who’s now coming back, and they all respect it, and they are frankly, I think, stunned by it.”

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