Anti-Mass Migration Sweden Democrats Third Most Popular Party Amongst Those with Foreign Backgrounds

sweden democrats

The anti-mass migration Sweden Democrats are not only the most popular party in the country but are the third most popular amongst Swedes with a foreign background.

The populist Sweden Democrats (SD), led by firebrand politician Jimmie Akesson, have gained even more support in recent months, making them the largest party in the country. A new survey shows that a surprising number of their new support comes from Swedes from foreign countries or who are born to foreign parents, Swedish broadcaster SVT reports.

In May 2014, polls showed the SD saw a mere 1.6 per cent of women and 2.5 per cent of men with foreign origins supporting the party. The new poll conducted by Statistics Sweden shows the number has leapt to 10.3 per cent for women and 15.4 per cent for men.

The numbers now mean the SD are the third largest party amongst voters with foreign backgrounds. In first place are the left-wing Social Democrats, who court 42.7 per cent of the foreign origin vote, and in second are the Conservatives with 17.1 per cent.

Some of the support for the SD has come from the Moderate party who have seen their popularity dwindle in the Swedish capital of Stockholm. Over a period of only six months, the Moderates have gone from 31.2 per cent support in Stockholm down almost ten points to 22.5 per cent.

The Sweden Democrats have come to prominence in the face of a Swedish media that is often outright hostile to them. Last month when party leader Jimmie Åkesson’s house was attacked by extremists, TV4 sports journalist Christoffer Eriksson said the SD leader had only himself to blame.

“For you see, Jimmie is a Nazi. He, Kent, Linus, Andrew and others, they are Nazis. And the Nazis have no place in rooms with us,” Eriksson wrote adding: “Their political heritage consists of hatred, intimidation, terror and violence. This pit he has dug for himself.”

The problems in Sweden related to mass migration have become well-known worldwide after U.S. President Donald Trump highlighted the country’s issues.

In response to the comments, Åkesson penned an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal writing: “Mr Trump did not exaggerate Sweden’s current problems. If anything, he understated them.”

“The effects are palpable, starting with national security. An estimated 300 Swedish citizens with immigrant backgrounds have travelled to the Middle East to fight for Islamic State. Many are now returning to Sweden and are being welcomed back with open arms by our socialist government,” he added.

National elections in Sweden are scheduled for September 9th, 2018.

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