Labour’s Diane Abbott Wears Two Left Shoes to Polling Station


The Labour Party’s Shadow Home Secretary, Diane Abbott, has gone viral after being pictured outside a polling station wearing two left shoes.

Diane Abbott, the far-left Shadow Home Secretary, was pictured in a tweet with Meg Hillier, another Labour politician, making a final plea from support from local constituents.

The tweet, which has since been deleted, pictured Abbott clearly wearing two left shoes from different pairs.

The image quickly went viral on Twitter, with one user asking: “How can you expect Diane Abbott to manage our national security when she can’t even put the right shoes on?”

Some Labour supporters took to Twitter to defend Ms Abbott’s fashion choice at the polling station, believing it was an intentional nod to the Labour Party’s leftist policies.

“Diane Abbott is so left-wing she refuses to even wear right foot shoes. Now that’s the kind of commitment to Socialism our country needs. Love it,” wrote a Labour supporter.

Some on Twitter have claimed that the picture was photoshopped. However, the picture that has been used to debunk the scandal was actually from a post from Wednesday on Diane Abbott’s Instagram account, reports Guido Fawkes.

The Shadow Home Secretary wrote on Twitter after the viral moment: “Always wear what you want. And always vote Labour.”

Earlier this month, Breitbart London reported that Ms Abbott’s son, James Abbott-Thompson, was charged by police for allegedly spitting at and biting police officers.

This was the not the first time her son had gotten her into trouble, as the far-leftist previously received heavy criticism for sending him to a fee-paying independent school rather than a state-run comprehensive, despite her vocal opposition to private education.

She attempted to justify herself by saying that “West Indian [Carribean origin] mums will go to the wall for their children” — but this only drew accusations of racism, and she refused to answer when asked by BBC interviewer Andrew Neil if she would like “to make it clear that, in the round, in general, West Indian mums are no better or no worse than white mums and Anglo-Asian mums and so on”.

Ms Abbott, who would have responsibility for Britain’s national security and borders if Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn — her former lover — became Prime Minister, is also known for getting simple sums wildly wrong in interviews, and for her past support of the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA).

In the 1980s she said that “Every defeat for the British state [in Ireland] is a victory for all of us,” and in 2008 she argued that “on balance Mao did more good than harm.”

The late communist dictator was responsible for the deaths of an estimated 45 million people.

Follow Kurt on Twitter @KurtZindulka


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