
Blackwell and Klukowski: Border Security, 2nd Amendment, Judges Examples of Winning GOP Platform Issues

Laws banning illegal aliens from carrying guns violate the Second Amendment, according to an Obama-appointed judge, highlighting an opportunity for Republicans to use their party platform to show how correctly interpreting the Constitution puts gun rights and border security on the same side, and that the future of those issues hangs on the 2024 election.

Brandon Oathout of Johnstown, N.Y., attends a Second Amendment rally at the Capitol on Tue

Latin America’s 2019: Socialist Mobs Fight to Burn Down Conservative Wins

2019 was a year of mixed fortunes in the pursuit of freedom and democracy in Latin America, defined largely by socialist mobs using force to pressure the region to bow to their will. Despite this, the Latin American right secured a major victory in the resignation of far-left Bolivian leader Evo Morales.

SANTIAGO, CHILE - DECEMBER 05: Protesters burn a barricade in downtown Santiago as demonst