Mohamed Lidow Given ‘Life’ in Jail For Raping Woman to Death

Police Handout

A man found guilty of orally penetrating a woman until she died has been given what is called in the United Kingdom a “life” sentence , with a minimum term of ten years and eight months.

35-year-old Mohamed Lidow was found guilty in October 2024 of raping 37-year-old hospital administrator and mother-of-three Natalie Shotter. A judge at the Old Bailey, England’s Central Criminal Court, called Lidow a “dangerous offender” and sentenced him to life in prison on Friday for rape and manslaughter.

But under the British system actual life sentences — where criminals can never be released from prison — are comparatively rare, and Lidow was given a so-called ‘tariff’ of ten years in eight months. After he has served that, he will be eligible for parole, if the Parole Board deems he is no longer a danger to the public.

As reported by the BBC, additional details about the case known now Lidow has been convicted that after the attack reveal that even while he was being investigated for rape in 2022 he had been caught having “explicit” sexual conversations with a girl he believed to be 13 years old.

In the early hours of the 16th of July 2021 Lidow had spotted victim Natalie Shotter on a park bench in West London and attacked her. Shotter had been drinking with friends and was unconscious, and CCTV footage showed Lidow raping her and moving her body around. Despite this evidence, he maintained the pretence the sexual acts that killed Shotter had been consensual, and his lawyers later turned the story around in a bid to avoid a conviction for manslaughter, claiming Shotter was already dead before Lidow found her, and he was in fact raping her corpse.

As reported in October of the evidence against Lidow:

Prosecutor Morgan said: “he was taking his penis out of those cargo shorts, he’s grabbing Natalie’s head, he is positioning Natalie’s head so that he can thrust his penis into her mouth… her head slightly falling backwards. The defendant is now stood in front of her, he pulls her head up towards his groin- and her head falls back when it’s not being supported.”.

CourtNews records members of the jury wept and looked away as the footage of Iidow raping Shotter in the mouth was shown to the room.

Morgan summarised that: “By raping again and again inserting [his] penis hard into her throat, banging down on her when she was unconscious, he overstimulated the nerves at the back of her throat, and caused the cardiac arrest.”.

The Daily Telegraph reports the case is the first one in British legal history of someone being killed by oral rape, the judge noted there was “high risk” from such a rape lasting “several minutes”.


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