Read It And Weep: Top 10 Best Cock-Ups So Far In The 2015 Election

With millions of leaflets going out from thousands of different campaigners in this general election campaign, not everything being put through the door has been subject to the rigorous checks many of us expect. Candidates have done everything from forgetting which party they are in, to being unable to spell their key pledges.

10: Someone is getting confused about what category of energy source wind farms are classed as:



9: Liberal Democrats push forward with yet more radical policies. This time they say they will eradicate child literacy by 2025.

duncan hames

8: Labour don’t seem able to spell the name of their own party…

Liz Savage

7: Marion Mason needs to work out where she is standing. We assume it is South Cambridgeshire.

marion mason

6: Liberal Democrat candidate decries all major party leaders, including his own:

Owen Temple

5: Perhaps disadvantaged two-year-olds could be taught how to spell a couple of these words:

Sebastian Kindersley

4: The official campaign to get the vote out in Aberdeen didn’t reveal the actual date of the election:

vote aberdeen
3: Everyone’s worst nightmare? A UKIP candidate delivered his leaflet to an English teacher. This is what he received back:



2: Labour may have ruined the economy but the Conservatives can’t even spell the word:


1: Some unfortunate folding has made Matthew Hancock’s name appear to be something different:



Candidates of the 2015 general election we salute you all!


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