Obama's Working Families (ACORN) Party Looks Set To Lose In NYC

Now that Dede Scozzafava has pulled out of the race in NY-23, (and pulled off her mask, revealing a true blue WFP soldier in elephant’s clothing), political junkies are sitting on the edge of their seats, waiting to gauge the value of President Obama’s coattails as measured by the success or failure of his endorsed candidates in New Jersey and Virginia.

One other race being decided tomorrow is getting little notice, but it could serve as a bell weather on President Obama’s fortunes. It’s getting little notice because the outcome seems all but certain; Re-election for current New York Mayor Bloomberg. Real Clear Politics has Bloomberg +12.7%.

That’s too bad for Barack Obama and his Working Families (ACORN) Party. Together, they endorsed the presumed soon to be defeated WFP-Democrat in the race, William “Billy” Thompson.

Proudly featured on Billy’s website:

obama endorses thompson

Proudly featured on the Working Families Party website:

bill thompson endorsement

Below is a YouTube clip of Thompson accepting the President’s endorsement:

[youtube L9e36oet1Vc nolink]

The President’s endorsement does not seem to have helped his party’s candidate, even in the very liberal city of New York.

Finally, it you are a true political junkie, you will not want to miss the video below, of all of the NY Mayoral candidates attending a WF(A)P candidates Forum:

[youtube sfjJJVRjsSc nolink]


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