Giving Thanks For The Internet

Tis the season to be thankful, and this year one thing stands out as something to be particularly grateful for…the Internet.


Thanks to the Internet, and the Army of Davids it has empowered, the mainstream media no longer possess a strangle hold on information. They no longer get to decide what we know about the people and organizations that effect our daily lives.

In direct terms, this means that when SEIU thugs beat up a black conservative at a health care town hall meeting, the whole world gets to see it via the internet.

And when those thugs are outed as Health Care for America (HCAN) coordinated responders to criticism of Obamacare, the whole world can take it upon themselves to learn about HCAN, using Google and other fabulous tools of the internet.

And when the world learns that HCAN is primarily a function of a group called USAction, they can investigate who USAction is using the same fabulous tools of the Internet.

And when the world learns that USAction was founded by DSA-Marxist 60’s radicals named Heather and Paul Booth, they can take it upon themselves to learn more about USAction, like that their president and spiritual leader, William McNary, is a BIG TIME communist sympathizer. And that valuable information can be spread far and wide for all to see, complete with video documentation of the facts, all without the lamestream media being able to sweep it under the rug on behalf of their favored candidates.

In the first clip, USAction President William McNary stands outside the Capital, preaching to his HCAN minions.

[youtube ZP4uMs8ZXrE nolink]

In the second clip, USAction President William McNary can be heard delivering the key note address to the Communist Party USA in 2005! Note how thoroughly he identifies with the Communists he is speaking to, always using the term “we”. Note how close they feel to him and USAction.

[youtube COhdI15DUvk nolink]

Thank God for the Internet!

Happy Thanksgiving to all, and to all a good night!

Previously on Founding Bloggers regarding USAction: Ward Churchill Meets Rahm Emanuel


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