Media Matters Responds To Fistgate VII: "Shame On Kevin Jennings And GLSEN"


Sorry, that headline comes from an alternate universe where Media Matters isn’t a political hack tank devoted to defending Progressive Democrats at all costs.

It only took 6 hours for them to begin glossing over an audio interview Jim Hoft conducted with a retired teacher who had the misfortune of attending one of the GLSEN events associated with Fistgate.

The teacher, who wants to remain anonymous for obvious reasons, offers her opinion about the event, and Obama “safe schools czar” Kevin Jennings’ awareness of the overtly sexualized curriculum.

Excerpt from Fistage VII:

MT: This whole conference was his dream and his mindset. This was his vision from the very beginning.

GP: So there was no way that they would have had material there that he would not have, would you say approved of?

MT: Obviously, this is material that he abvocates. Even today if you read the text of some of the books that they put out.

GP: That was up on my blog, by the way.

MT: He knew about that too. He knows about everything all along. Remember, the buck stops with him. He was the head of all of this.


MT: He brought in all of the people that would agree with him as any administrator would do. You bring in people who agree with you who you can work with.

Click here to listen to the interview.

Below is how Media Matters reacts to the damning material [emphasis added in bold]

Note to any Progressive Democrats appearing on any media outlet or writing any blog, your talking points are as follows:

Hoft’s new Jennings claim is a dud

December 14, 2009 11:05 am ET by Matt Gertz

Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft is again attempting to link Department of Education official Kevin Jennings to a workshop for high school students which included explicit discussions of sex that took place at a 2000 GLSEN/Boston conference. Hoft’s new “Explosive” claim is that a Massachusetts teacher who “wanted to remain anonymous out of safety considerations for herself and her family” claims “that there is ‘no way’ that Obama’s Safe School Czar did not know about the pornographic and sexually explicit material that was presented and discussed at the conference.” Of course, neither Hoft nor the anonymous teacher provide any actual evidence that Jennings knew the specific explicit content that would be discussed at that workshop; when he was made aware after the fact, he reportedly criticized it.

Media Matters seems to be treating Jim Hoft as though he is a district attorney, burdened by a legal standard of evidence for admission in a court of law, when in fact Jim is simply doing a job that many in traditional media are too squeamish to do. He’s reporting. Different standard.

Sure, an actual attendee may have given her eye witness impression of her first hand experience at a GLSEN event, but that doesn’t mean anything. Nothing to see or hear, here!

Refresher course…GLSEN was founded by President Obama’s “Safe School’s Czar”. Below is one example (among dozens) of what GLSEN and Media Matters are defending as acceptable recommended reading for kids (NSFW):

Queer 13 – Pages 16 + 17

(A man masturbates and explicitly ejaculates as he sits on a hill overlooking his hometown.)

I sit down on the hard ground and cry a little. I fish my aged cock out of my jeans as though I can mark the scene with pleasure so later I can find it and reread it for understanding. Once imagined, it is my responsibility to jack off in front of it all. The air feels funny on my cock, which usually squirms like a larva in the darkness; it’s more sensitive than I am to the prickle of a slight breeze. There is nothing to arouse me except myself. My tract looks so boring, its emptiness so lacks potential, that I can almost believe in reality, since here is appearance spreading out at my feet. It only takes a minute. My crotch rings like an alarm clock, some pump mechanism kicks in, and after short flights my sperm falls on the gray dirt. I feel edgy and shallow, emptied out by the day ahead, and twinges of residual pleasure make me twitch.


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