National Review: Publisher ‘Broken Hearted’ Over Subscription Cancellations


Last night, National Review published articles from twenty conservative intellectuals “Against Trump.” This afternoon, publisher Jack Fowler sent this letter to friends of the magazine:

Dear Friend,

Today is a big day for National Review. Our editors have made a very forceful defense of conservatism, of principle, and against the politics of attitude, in our editorial, Against Trump.

We have received angry calls, and cancel ­my­ subscription demands. One in particular broke my heart. Well, let’s hope time heals.

None of this was unexpected.

But: We have also received very strong expressions of support from many NR friends. People who believe ­­ and they are right to believe this ­­ that the main reason National Review exists is to do the very thing it is doing today.

Defending conservative principle. Defending it from being marginalized, or recast as emotion and bluster instead of as an expression of reason and intelligence.

On behalf of Rich Lowry and my colleagues, thank you for standing with us. Or, better, thanks for letting us stand alongside you as we embrace the Buckley mission: To stand athwart history, yelling stop.


Jack Fowler


National Review


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