September: Foreign Workers See Nearly 4X as Much Job Growth as Americans

Victoria Razo/AFP/Getty-Image

American jobs are disproportionately going to foreign-born workers, rather than native-born American citizens, the latest employment data reveals.

In September, foreign-born workers saw nearly four times as much job growth as native-born Americans. Year-to-year job growth for foreign workers was about 2.69 percent. For American citizens, there was only 0.77 percent job growth.

The data reveals a trend in which foreign-born workers and immigrants are increasingly seeing advantages in the labor market over American citizens. For example, the foreign-born unemployment rate for September was three percent, a year-to-year drop of nearly one percent.

American citizens, though, have an unemployment rate of 3.7 percent, a year-to-year drop of only 0.4 percent. These numbers indicate that American workers continue to have a higher unemployment rate than foreign-born workers, and when the unemployment rate does fall for Americans, it is at a much slower pace than falling unemployment for foreign workers.

At the same time, there are now 1.47 million foreign-born residents added to the immigrant workforce population, exceeding the 1.26 million native-born Americans who have been added to the native-born workforce population over the last year.

Every year, the U.S. admits more than 1.5 million legal immigrants. In 2017, the foreign-born population boomed to a 108-year record high, making up nearly 14 percent of the total U.S. population. By 2023, the Center for Immigration Studies estimates that the legal and illegal immigrant population of the U.S. will make up nearly 15 percent of the entire U.S. population.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.  


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