U.S. Bishops Blast Biden over Reinstatement of Taxpayer-Funded Abortions

An anti-abortion activist holds a model of a fetus during a protest outside of the Longwor

The U.S. Bishops’ Conference (USCCB) has condemned President Biden’s reinstatement of taxpayer-funded abortions around the world, calling his act “grievous.”

“It is grievous that one of President Biden’s first official acts actively promotes the destruction of human lives in developing nations,” declare Archbishop Joseph Naumann, chairman of the Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, and Bishop David Malloy, chairman of the Committee on International Justice and Peace in a statement.

“This Executive Order is antithetical to reason, violates human dignity, and is incompatible with Catholic teaching. We and our brother bishops strongly oppose this action,” the bishops state.

On Thursday, Biden signed an executive order allowing U.S. taxpayer funds to be sent to organizations that both “promote and provide abortions in developing countries,” revoking the life-saving Mexico City policy, the Bishops say.

The overturned policy had separated abortion from family planning activities and “ensured U.S. taxpayer dollars only went to organizations that agreed to provide health services in a way that respected the dignity of all persons,” the bishops observe.

“We urge the President to use his office for good, prioritizing the most vulnerable, including unborn children,” the bishops add, asserting that the Catholic Church stands ready to work with him to promote global women’s health in a manner that furthers integral human development, and respects the dignity of every human life, “beginning in the womb.”

“To serve our brothers and sisters with respect, it is imperative that care begin with ensuring that the unborn are free from violence, recognizing every person as a child of God,” the bishops conclude. “We hope the new administration will work with us to meet these significant needs.”

The mainstream media have presented President Biden as a “devout Catholic” who takes his faith seriously.

The Catholic Church teaches that abortion is an abominable crime and a sin so grave that the harshest punishment the Church imposes — automatic excommunication — is attached to it.

The Church also teaches that Catholic politicians have a “grave and clear obligation to oppose” any law that promotes abortion.

As Breitbart News reported Thursday, Biden’s executive order came the day after two national polls revealed that a majority of Americans back restrictions on abortion and support a ban on taxpayer funding of abortion overseas and domestically.

By denying the wishes of Americans, Biden is promoting the abortion industry and fulfilling his campaign promise, cited in a Planned Parenthood ad, to do “everything in my power” to defend and expand abortion rights.

Throughout the presidential campaign, left-wing Catholics sought to downplay the importance of the abortion issue in order to persuade their fellow Catholics to vote for Biden, despite the bishops’ insistence that opposition to abortion was the “preeminent priority” in the election.

One papal biographer, Austen Ivereigh, went so far as to call for a “reckoning” against pro-life U.S. Catholics who voted for Donald Trump, claiming that during the four years of Trump’s presidency there was “not a single unborn life saved.”


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