Angel Moms - Page 3

Breitbart News Daily: Hannity, Levin, Angel Moms on DACA

On the Friday edition of Breitbart News Daily, broadcast live on SiriusXM Patriot Channel 125 from 6AM to 9AM Eastern, Breitbart editor Raheem Kassam will continue our discussion of the Trump administration and its policies. Veteran broadcaster Sean Hannity will


Angel Mom Laura Wilkerson Launches ‘Enforce the Law’

Laura Wilkerson, an “Angel Mom” whose teenage son was tortured and murdered by an illegal immigrant, talked with Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Alex Marlow about her new organization, Enforce the Law, which she formed to advocate for enforcing America’s immigration laws, defunding sanctuary cities, and securing the border.


Donald Trump Promises To Pass ‘Kate’s Law’

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s 10-point immigration plan, revealed in his immigration speech in Arizona on Wednesday evening, includes one of the issues that first propelled his campaign: the passage of a “Kate’s Law,” named for a young California woman who was killed at the hands of a five-times deported illegal alien.


Watch: Hannity, Trump Console ‘Angel Moms’

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Fox News host Sean Hannity consoled “angel moms” who lost their children to crimes committed by illegal immigrants during a town hall event broadcast on Tuesday. Follow on Twitter @BreitbartVideo


Nehlen on ‘Angel Moms’ Ad: Speaker Ryan Left Them ‘In the Dust’

House Speaker Paul Ryan’s challenger for his seat in the U.S. House of Representatives Paul Nehlen said Thursday on Fox Business Network’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight” that the “Angel Moms” tried to present Ryan with a letter outside of his mansion only to for him to be whisked away, leaving them in the dust.

Paul Ryan Reuters