Beheading - Page 3

Boston Knife-Wielding Terrorist and Friends Had Plot to Behead Police Officers

Although early statements from the FBI and local authorities on Tuesday afternoon indicated Rahim was not considered an imminent threat to public safety, that opinion appears to have been revised overnight. “The FBI knew Usaama Rahim was armed and potentially dangerous and moved on him Tuesday morning when it appeared the threat he posed to uniformed officers in the Boston area had somehow increased,” sources told ABC News.

AP Photo/Nasser Nasser

Syrian Christian Fighter Reportedly Beheads ISIS Militant

Eye for an eye, reap what you sow, what goes around comes around: choose your favorite aphorism for the wheel of karma turning, as the Christian Post relays a report from the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights about a Syrian Christian fighter beheading an ISIS militant. The veracity of this report has been challenged by the Catholic bishop of Aleppo.

YouTube via NBC News

Obama Finally Meets with ISIS Hostage Sotloff’s Family, 9 Months after Beheading

“President Obama met today with the family of Steven Sotloff — one of the American journalists brutally beheaded by ISIS last year,” ABC News reported Thursday. “The White House announced that Obama met with Art and Shirley Sotloff during his trip to Miami. The Sotloffs live in Florida, so the White House says it was ‘an appropriate occasion for the president to visit with them.'”

AP Photo

NOW HIRING: Saudi Arabia Seeking Executioners as Beheading Rates Soar

On Monday, Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Civil Service listed on its website eight new job openings for the position of executioner. The job responsibilities will likely include beheadings and amputations–two of the most prominent punishments for violations, including drug smuggling, arms dealing, murder, and rape.


Former Iraqi POW Jessica Lynch Talks About Persecution Of Christians

Twelve years on, former Iraqi prisoner-of-war Jessica Lynch is working as an inspirational speaker and an actress in Christian-themed films, including a new release called “One Church.” She was interviewed on WABC Radio’s The Rita Cosby Show over the weekend, where she expressed concerns about terrorism, the rise of ISIS in Iraq, and the persecution of Christians.

AP, Reuters Photos

MS-13 Gang Members Plead Guilty in Near-Beheading of Texas Teen

HOUSTON, Texas – Two El Salvadorian men who are members of the hyper-violent MS-13 gang pleaded guilty in federal court to the near beheading murder of a 16-year-old Houston teen. The murder occurred in the woods of the Sam Houston National Forrest in Walker County near Huntsville, Texas. Because the crime occurred in a national park, the murder became a federal crime.

Huntsville Murderers Convicted

Muslim Mob Attacks Church Built To Honor Egyptian Christians Beheaded By ISIS

Christians in the Egyptian village of Al Our are looking to build a new church in honor of the Coptic Christians beheaded by ISIS in Libya, a mass-murder outrage captured in a viral video circulated by the Islamic State. 13 of the 21 Christians slaughtered in the video hailed from Al Our; they had gone to Libya in search of employment. A church in their hometown would seem like a fine way to remember them.

christian genocide

ISIS Beheads Three Kurdish Peshmerga Fighters

A new ISIS propaganda video shows three Kurdish Peshmerga fighters, evidently captured in the Nineveh province of Iraq, beheaded with knives before a large crowd of onlookers, some of them small children.

IRAQ, - : An image grab taken from a propaganda video released on March 17, 2014 by the Is

Inspired by ISIS, Kids in Yemen Set Fire to Ten-Year-Old Boy in Cage

Gulf News tells a story of ISIS’ viral evil spreading into Yemen, which was hardly suffering from a shortage of villainy: “Inspired by the video of Daesh (Islamic State/ISIS) burning to death the Jordanian pilot Muath Al Kasaesbeh, a group of boys set about re-enacting the atrocity in their Al Dahthath village in Yemen’s northern province of Ibb.”

Mohammad Mouzahem on Facebook

Boko Haram Takes a Page from the ISIS Playbook with Beheading Video

The degree of coordination between Nigerian terror gang Boko Haram and the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria has been a topic of much speculation among counterterrorism analysts. It has long been a matter of record that Boko Haram idolized ISIS and sought to emulate their ideology and tactics, creating a “caliphate” of their own in Africa.

via Boko Haram video

Coptic Christians Hold Orange-Jumpsuit Protest at White House

In light of the targeting of Christians by the Islamic State–particularly in Libya and Syria–Christian Coptics in the United States assembled before the White House this week to demand the Obama administration address the plight of their brethren in the Middle East.

YouTube via NBC News

Houston ‘Stand with the Prophet’ Protesters Cite Free Speech Concerns

HOUSTON, Texas – Christine Weick was in Houston with others protesting the Stand with the Prophet event on Sunday. Weick told Breitbart Texas “churches need to wake up, and America needs to wake up.” She and the other protestors were fearful that unless something changes “[America] is going to be in big trouble.”

A man protests an Islamic Rally in Houston.

IS Attacks Government Airbase in Eastern Syria

BEIRUT (AP) — Islamic State militants launched an attack overnight on a major military air base in eastern Syria in what looked to be a push to eliminate the last significant government outpost in the extremist-dominated region, activists said Thursday.

IS Attacks Government Airbase in Eastern Syria

Islamist Gunmen Kill 36 in Kenya

Militants from Somali al Shabaab kill at least 36 non-Muslim workers at a quarry in Kenya, beheading at least two, in revenge for Kenyan military action against the group. Mana Rabiee reports. For Kenyan soldiers, it was a gruesome discovery.

Islamist Gunmen Kill 36 in Kenya

Frenchman Identified in ISIS Video Denies Being in Video

The French government believes Michael Dos Santos is “one of two French militants” that appeared in a video that showed American aid worker Peter Kessig being beheaded. The video also shows the execution of a number of Syrian soldiers.

Frenchman Identified in ISIS Video Denies Being in Video

Islamic State Threatens Slaughter on Western Streets

Islamic State murderer and propagandist ‘Jihadi John’ has issued a graphic warning of coming slaughter on the streets of the West in the new YouTube video that features the beheading of at least nineteen men, including former American soldier Peter

Islamic State Threatens Slaughter on Western Streets