Phil Bryant

Planned Parenthood Files Lawsuit #17 Over Defunding

The only Planned Parenthood clinic in Hattiesburg does not perform abortions, and has taken less than $1,000 in Medicaid funding in each of the past five years. However, Mississippi Senate Medicaid Committee chairman Brice Wiggins (R) said after the state Senate voted to approve the defunding measure, “You are the company you keep and by Mississippi reimbursing Planned Parenthood through Medicaid, we are keeping that company.”

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Trump Has Edge in Little Tuesday Contests

On Tuesday, Republicans in Idaho, Hawaii, Michigan, and Mississippi will make their pick for the Republican nomination. According to recent polling, Donald Trump has a clear edge in these states. It is very possible, though, that a replay of Super

Rubio, Trump, Cruz, Kasich, AP

States Resist Moving Ahead With Same-Sex Marriages Immediately

The Louisiana Clerks of Court Association advised clerks not to issue licenses for 25 days, during which time the Supreme Court could be petitioned for a rehearing. Same-sex marriages are also on hold in the state of Mississippi where Democrat attorney general Jim Hood said the Supreme Court’s decision would not go into effect in his state until the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals lifts a stay on its ruling from last year in which it struck down the state’s same-sex marriage ban.

Same-Sex Marriage