Canadian Food Bank Complains of Lack of ‘Culturally Appropriate’ Donations
A food bank has complained at a lack of “culturally appropriate” food, noting around 80 per cent of those who use the food bank are Muslim.

A food bank has complained at a lack of “culturally appropriate” food, noting around 80 per cent of those who use the food bank are Muslim.
A court in Finland began hearing a case of alleged illegal Halal slaughter of up to 2,500 sheep, claiming they were no-stun kills.
The UK will look to ban the boiling of lobsters alive, however, the government has refrained from imposing similar restrictions on Halal.
China’s state-run Global Times on Monday applauded the northwestern province of Gansu for abolishing “four halal-related local identification standards,” praising the end of Islamic dietary codes as an effort to “better protect the rights of minorities and curb religious extremism.”
Around one in 10 UK councils are supplying sharia law-compliant halal meat to schools produced in a way considered cruel by all major animal rights groups.
The government has been accused of relaxing animal welfare standard in order to ramp up sales of Islamic Sharia-law compliant halal meat to Saudi Arabia.
British vets are demanding the production of halal meat is properly recorded, as well as calling for the amount produced in the UK to be cut as exports of the Sharia-compliant meat to Saudi Arabia have increased.
A pair of Halal slaughtermen who inflicted “extreme” suffering on sheep have escaped jail, with a further two suspected of similar crimes escaping justice by fleeing the country.
After Brexit, the government will seriously consider ensuring the clear labelling of un-stunned Halal and Kosher meat, which is widely considered to be cruel to animals.
A halal shop in Colombes faces closure after the landlord won a lawsuit against the grocer for lease violations for refusing to stock alcohol and pork.
Visitors to the canteen of a major London hospital have been left with no choice but to eat halal food, a decision apparently taken despite the Muslim population of the local area being a small minority.
Lancashire Councillors are to be given a free vote on whether school children across the country should be fed ‘halal’ meat from animals that have had their throats slit without being sunned.
The government plans to force all abattoirs in the country to install CCTV amidst concerns that Islamic halal slaughterhouses are inflicting unnecessary cruelty on animals.
Belgium’s Walloon region has voted to outlaw kosher and halal meat by banning the ritual slaughter of unstunned animals.
(AFP) – The wine-swilling co-founder of Sai Wai Xiang Halal Foodstuff Co enjoys his pork and does not follow Islam, but still sells more than $50 million-worth of food to Muslims across Asia and the Middle East. The company is
Three halal slaughtermen and their bosses have appeared in court charged with the “systematic” abuse of animals killed in accordance with Islamic law. Kabeer Hussein, Kazam Hussein, Artur Lewandowski, Robert Woodward and William Woodward sat alongside each other yesterday at
France is reportedly refusing to host a working lunch for visiting Iranian president Hassan Rouhani because the hardline Muslim leader demanded halal meat and a wine-free table. The two were scheduled to meet next week during an Iranian state visit to Paris.
A father was left furious after a branch of KFC refused to serve him a ‘BBQ Bacon Boss Box Meal’ because it was not halal. Steve Mitchell, 45, travelled to the fast food store in Derby, UK after seeing an
Halal certification fees paid by Australian food manufacturers could be channelled overseas to help pay for mosques and other Islamic developments to be built in Indonesia. An investigation by the state-owned Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) has found discrepancies into how
A halal slaughterhouse that was secretly filmed abusing animals in December 2014 has gone into administration. The Thirsk, North Yorkshire operation called Bowood Yorkshire Lamb was the subject of public outrage after footage revealed animals being kicked in the face, smashed into solid objects
The Chinese government in the Western Muslim province of Xinjiang have issued an ordinance forcing local shops to sell alcohol and cigarettes, which are forbidden by the religion, or have authorities shut down their shops. Locals say the ordinance is meant to “weaken” religion in the area, and in the latest in a series of laws intended to eliminate Islam from China.
Pet owners may unwittingly be buying non-stunned meat for their animals even while they avoid meat killed by the controversial method for their own diet. Despite the debate about labelling of food for human consumption after restaurants and producers of food
Hidden cameras, planted by animal welfare charity Animal Aid, showed horrific treatment of sheep in a slaughterhouse in North Yorkshire. Employees, at the Bowood Abattoir near Thirsk were filmed sawing at animals’ throats with seemingly blunt knives. Staff, at least