individual mandate - Page 2

Republicans Should Run Hard Against the ObamaCare Disaster

Not a single promise has been kept, health insurance is objectively worse than it was before Barack Obama got his hands on it, and enrollment is only half what we were promised. The last detail is key, because low enrollment means everything bad about ObamaCare is going to get much worse in the years ahead, if we don’t kill it now.

AP Photo/LM Otero

The Marriage Mandate

Bottom line: the Marriage Mandate is an idea whose time has come. It combines the reasoning of the Supreme Court’s decisions on ObamaCare, gay marriage, and disparate impact into one atomic fireball of compulsory social justice. Conservatives will love the results, while statists will love the methods.

Anthony Devlin/PA Wire URN:21012772 (Press Association via AP Images)

Senators Perdue and Isakson Push Repeal of Obamacare Mandates

Senators Johnny Isakson (R-GA) and David Perdue (R-GA) decided to co-sponsor legislation to prevent Americans from any more negative effects of Obamacare if the United States Supreme Court were to rule against the administration, holding a key component of Obamacare unconstitutional.
