Jan Brewer - Page 3

AZ Gov: Romney Not Anti-Immigrant

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer told the Hugh Hewitt Radio Show that Mitt Romney’s stance is not anti-immigrant and that she is looking for a Presidential candidate that is going to secure the border.

AZ Governor Stunned At Media Response To Tarmac Incident

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer joined the Hugh Hewitt show with guest host Larry O’Connor and said that she was stunned by the media response to he conversation with President Obama earlier this week. She expressed further disappointment that media pundits

Obama Can't Handle the Truth (Just Ask Gov. Brewer)

President Barack Obama has a problem, a problem much bigger than his plummeting poll numbers among black voters, the ever-worsening housing market, or the chronically high national unemployment numbers. Although these are all bad and must be weighing down on

The 2nd Amendment: A Concealed Carry Permit

When Obama was running for president in 2008, he promised to “fundamentally change America” – a phrase which lucid Americans took as meaning he was going to bring his leftist agenda to bear on us all. And if Obama has

Why Media Watchdogs Are Necessary: A Case Study

The ongoing need (and demand) for a variety of media voices was evidenced, recently, in a modern morality tale featuring a preacher and his prayer. On Nov. 16th, at the take-the-oath-of-office ceremony for incoming Oklahoma legislators, held at the state

'Dude, What Happened to Your Presidency?'

At just after 10 p.m. EST on Nov 2nd, CNN projected Republicans would take over the House of Representatives. Simultaneously, on NBC News, Brian Williams was pointing out that the elections were guaranteeing that the new Congress would have fewer

The Devil At Breitbart's Doorstep

An American businessman who has been the target of a relentless attack by SEIU union thugs wrote today about the lessons we should all take from Breitbart’s recent run-in: On Saturday, September 18th, Andrew Breitbart faced a situation similar to

Judge Blocks Part of Arizona Immigration Law

From the Associated Press: A federal judge dealt a serious rebuke to Arizona’s immigration law on Wednesday when she put most of the crackdown on hold just hours before it was to take effect. The ruling by U.S. District Judge

Hypocrites Bash Arizona Law

Mexican President Felipe Calderon asked for it when he attacked Arizona’s new immigration law as a “violation of human rights.” Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl (R) and others responded to Calderon’s attacks by pointing out the hypocrisy. Anyone who has compared

Don't Look To MSM For Honest Coverage Of Arizona

Nancy Pelosi said there were protesters parading around with swastikas – it turns out she was right! The images below are a sampling from a gallery posted by AZCentral.com, covering the protests in Arizona against the passage of SB 1070.